Monday, June 23, 2008

RIP George Carlin

I cant believe George Carlin died! He was only 71 and news said he had heart pains and then died. He preformed last week in Las Vegas, wouldn't it have been nice to have been one of the last people to see him preform.

I think George is one of the funniest people ever!! He jokes about things people never want to talk about but he does it in a funny sarcastic way. I love it! His bit on Religion and his bit on the Words You Cant Say On TV are my two favorites.

I think he got better with age and he has one of those expressive faces you cant get out of your head! Very sad that he died. May he rest in ... well... wherever he is...

A tribute... take a look if you have never seen him preform before

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

Yeah...I had never heard of him until this week!!