Monday, June 2, 2008

Blog Sensorship

What is the purpose of a blog??

Well to be honest everyone keeps a blog for different reasons.

-a diary account of something that's going on in their lives
-to keep in touch with people far from them
-for business or interest,t notes, stories or findings
-a way to vent or to write how they feel and why they believe they feel that way

No matter why someone write a blog, the fact still remains that it is an account of ones feelings an opinions about a certain topic, event or personal reasons.

Recently I have gotten really into the whole blogging thing, as my avid readers should have noticed. Not only do I post blogs but I now read blogs written by others. When I read a blog I know that this is his/her opinion and/or how they are feeling at that moment. I know that we all have waves of feelings- some days we feel down and sad and pity ourselves, some days we are angry and want to rant and yell at someone, some days we are so happy and want to tell the world about great things. And how and/or what we write in our blogs reflects our feelings that particular day. If you ask me how I feel about a touchy subject today and then ask me again the next, chances are my emotions will lead me to answer differently. I understand that and I expect others to understand that as well.

Why am I lecturing about blogging and feelings??

Well recently a friend of mine has been having a difficult time with another friend and has been voicing their rants and opinions on their blog. (something I personally do all the time, that's why I write a blog, more to rant than for others to read state their opinions) Other have commented or said that their blog is mean, rude, one-sided.... HELLO!!! Of course it is!!! ITS THEIR BLOG!! If you don't like what they have to say then don't read it!!!!!!!!!!

You are not forced to read my blog or anyone else's! So if you don't like what I or anyone else has to say then don't read their blog! Why should I have to sensor my blogs (my feelings, my opinions, my beliefs) for other people??


FunkyChicken said...

I've been in 'trouble' before because of my blog. But like you say, it's my blog (or yours or whatever) so why can't we write whatever we want? If they don't like it they can get their own blog!

FunkyChicken said...

I am farting in the teacher's room.

*End blog*