Monday, June 16, 2008

A beautiful early summer weekend

After a Saturday night filled with homemade pizza, movies and good friends; Maggy and I decided to spend our Sunday afternoon at the Nagai Iris Park.

We slowly made our way to the park taking in the early summer sun. The day was too perfect to describe, blue skies with few puffy white clouds and a warm sun with a cool breeze. The park is only about a quarter full, but it was such a great day it was the furthest thing from a waste. There were some entertainers with a monkey that we watched intently for a while. The monkey was such a pain and enjoyed eating the rocks rather than performing. Maggy and I decided to stop for Shaved Ice and sat enjoying the family-like atmosphere. After we took a few pictures and chatted with a few people we made our way back to my apartment trying to take in as much sun as we could.

After Maggy and I made our way back to Yonezawa and did some shopping and ate some yummy American food before meeting up with a bunch others to watch the new Indian Jones. Not the best twist, but enjoyable all the less.

It was a great early summer weekend!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

It looks nice!!

I want to go there this weekend or next weekend I think.

Thanks for the ticket!

Your pigtails are cute!