Monday, June 23, 2008

Novocained again

The sounds of grinders, the smell of tooth particles, the white scrubs and face masks.... ahhh gotta love the dentist... or not.

Yes I went to the dentist today.

I'm so apprehensive about going to the dentist here in Japan. Every time I go they find something else "wrong" with my teeth and want to grind, drill or poke my teeth. I always end up going home with a numb mouth from the excessive use of Novocaine.

The worst part is the language barrier. I'm learning that most dental people don't speak very good English, if any at all. I always ask Chikako to go with me to the dentist because there is always something that they are trying to explain to me that I just don't get. And when it comes to the dentist its important to know what they are doing while your mouth is spread submissively open while tools are jammed in and out. Its scary not understanding why they have blood on the tools and whats going on.

I went for a check up today because I will be moving back to America shortly and be without good insurance for a while. Of course I went in for a check up, but came out numbed on the right side. They found that one of my cavities have grown bigger and we decided to take it out now while I have insurance and I'm not in pain.

One thing I will never get: I'm a tooth brushing addict! I must brush my teeth at least twice a day! I cant sleep with a dirty mouth and I'm too self conscious to leave the house with bad breath so I always brush in the morning and at night. But some how. Some how. I get cavities. Other people who never brush and love sweets never seem to get them, but me... oh me... I get them!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

I don't brush as much as I should....and I have cavities! >_<

So you had a tooth pulled out or did you just get a filling?

Must go to dentist soon....novocaine makes me feel good.