Friday, June 13, 2008

Boxed, Taped and Sent

The boxes are packed and sent! Most of my stuff is out of my apartment and I feel as if I have de-characterized it. The walls are white, no pictures, no cute little knick-nacks, just the necessities are left.

Everyone keeps telling me I sent things too early, but the cheapest way to send it all takes 2 months!!! So my boxes will arrive in California about the same time I do.

There were a total of 15 boxes that I wanted to send full of clothing, DVDs, Books, Arts and Crafts stuff, pillows, blankets, electronics... oh you name it and it was probably in one of my boxes! I collected so much stuff over 3 years! Its amazing! And of course, I couldn't live without any of it!!

Yoshi and I did research (please see previous blogs) and found out that it was cheaper to send big, heavy boxes than it was to send all of them separate. So, being the rule benders we are, we took 3-6 boxes and taped them together with massive heavy duty tape and then tied nylon string around them. Each one weighed between 21-30kilos!! Not so heavy, but they were so big, they were almost impossible for one person to carry!!!!

In the end to send all of the boxes it ended up costing be about 50,000 yen (about $500) to send it all home, not too bad actually!! I'm very impressed!! So now all I have left to do is weed out the rest of the stuff that is unnecessary over the next 8 weeks so everything will fit into 2 suitcases and 2 carry ons!

GANBATE!!! (good luck to me!)

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

$500 is pretty good for three years of stuff! Bet you can't wait to unpack it all :p