Monday, June 9, 2008

JoeyD's Not-so surprise, but great, Birthday Party

I spent 2 weeks planning a surprise birthday party for JoeyD. Everyone was great and participated not spilling the beans and making sure to tell him they were all busy so he had no plans. We decided to go Bowling and Karaoke. Monique helped me with ideas and planning and things were all worked out. Until the day of....

I didn't want to sound too eager about him hanging out with me in fear that he would become suspicious, so in the middle of the week I asked him to go with me to Yonezawa to "pick something up" and "hang out", maybe bowling, darts or a movie. He ended up calling his usually climbing partners and asked them to go climbing before he hung out with me. Plan was to go at 2 and be back around 4 so that we could go back out. (didn't occur to me that he was planning on going to Yonezawa and then back here and then back to Yonezawa... as someone pointed out, pointless and a waste of gas). But by the time I found out he was going climbing I didn't want to change our plans because I thought he would become suspicious (or left out) as to why everyone was busy and then all of a sudden I changed our plans. One of his climbing buddies mailed me the morning of the party when everything was worked out and demanded that they would arrive at the party with him and that we should do things their way. I was pretty upset because I had planned everything and thought it all out.... all the way down to asking him to hang out and pick something up. It was no easy task. I did end up calling JoeyD and telling him he didn't have to come back to Nagai for me and he said it was no problem that he had already planned on it and was going to freshen up at home anyways. So this was what was happening. JD was going climbing at 2ish and then coming back and picking me up to hang out at 5pm.

At 4:30 I got a call from JD (who thought we were just hanging out so time wasn't so important.... cant blame him for that, usually it wouldn't have been a big deal), said he couldn't leave Yonezawa to come back to Nagai until 4:45/5:00. He had no idea that at 5pm 15-20 of his friends were gathering down the street from the climbing wall to surprise him for his birthday. I told him Id call him back and did some calling around to see if I could get a ride to Yonezawa so no one had to go an hour and half out of their way to get me and so that the party could start on time and go as planned. I found out that the climbing buddy who was making a big deal that morning was late an hour to climbing and then didn't bother to hurry JoeyD out of the climbing place to get back on time.

side note: if you or a friend of yours had to be somewhere and they didn't know it because it was a surprise I would do ALL in my power to make sure they made it on time. Even if it meant sacrificing my plans or my timing. I would make up and excuse as to why wed have to leave early or I would "highly suggest" they leave on time to meet someone... Id do something!! That's the kind of person I am! (even if I hate the person throwing the party or the birthday person).

Everyone else was on time and had already arrived in Yonezawa and I didn't want them being late for the sake of picking me up and I didn't want JoeyD late for his own surprise party! So I told him I'd hang out at home and not to hurry back for me. At the same time I called Chryssy and Monique and told them I wasn't going to go and to make sure that JoeyD made it to the right place at the right time for his surprise. To me- it was MORE important that the Birthday Boy get his big surprise then it was for one person (even me) to not be able to go. I was so upset that the person who demanded to change things was not being any help and virtually sabotaging the party because they were pissed at me. (PETTY!) I later found out that they tried to pick a fight with JoeyD that day over hanging out with me and not inviting them, told JoeyD they should go to dinner after climbing at 5pm and was goofing around instead of leaving the climbing wall on time.

Monique, Maggy and the wonderful others were not ok with the fact that the person who planned the party wasn't coming and demanded I be picked up. I told them it was ok... to go ahead and have a good time. On the phone I was holding back as many tears as I could because I was so upset that I had planned something and had ONE particular person ruin it (same person who tries to change everything to fit their needs or schedule with no thought or respect to others). Monique was upset and called JoeyD and told him everything...what we had been planning how the people he was climbing with should have told him to leave on time... all that jazz. JoeyD was then upset and felt guilty, even though he had no need to be! After getting a phone call from him I looked up train times and decided to go late.

I arrive to find out that they changed the time so that I and others could be there! NOW THOSE ARE GOOD FRIENDS!!!

JoeyD wasn't as surprised as he could have been, but I think he was in shock that there were about 18 people there to help celebrate his JoeyDness!! We had a great time bowling and Monique made a tasty cake and we sang Happy Birthday!!

Id like to take this moment to thank Monique for her awesomeness and her persistence on being a good friend. Maggy for her kind heart. Takako for making sure I was ok. And to Fumi who picked me up from the train station! You all rock and are all in my heart!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

What an amazingly accurate account of events!!

That person should never have been invited to the party. I guess we couldn't expect much from her because of her past performances. Good to know she's still the same selfish person who can't be trusted.

I still feel guilty that I told JD everything! I didn't know what else to do at that time!! You really needed to be there and to not let 'her' win. BITCH!!!!

Anyway, the party ended up being good and JoeyD had a really good time, as did other people who came. And karaoke was great too!