Monday, June 9, 2008

Go! Go! Good Job! Run! Youre ALMOST there!

So Monique and I being the not-so active great selves we are, decided to go with JoeyD to support him on his 5k run! Its nice when your friends go places to support you! Makes you feel motivated and loved. (just don't tell him we did it to see the hot Japanese boys run in shorts and possibly with no shirts)

Monique got up at 5am! And I got up around 5:30 am to meet at my apartment and head out! I made onigiri and some tea for us to take so that JD was pumped full of caffeine and carbs (and I didn't starve). We left my apartment at 6:15am and headed out to Higashine. Took about one hour and a half before we hit all kinds of traffic. Traffic was at a stand still... so much so that JoeyD got out of his car and ran into the convini to go pee and the car still hadn't moved far enough for him to have to "catch up". We arrived a little before 9am and got JoeyDs free t-shirt and prepared him to run! We ran into Nathaniel and eventually JD found Audrey and they took off down the street with the mobs of people to run 5k! We cheered him and Audrey on and Nathaniel (who was running a half marathon!! SUGOI!!). JD crossed the finish line and came to find Monique and I sitting on the side of the road checking out shirt-less hot Japanese runners! He cooled down and then we headed to the car cheering people on the whole way. The 21kers were coming around the final stretch and the roads were cut off so we couldn't get out so we CHEERED AND CHEERED! Monique yelled things like "nice package! NICE LEGS! and SEXY" While loud-ass me Screamed "GO GO GOOD JOB!! GANABRE! YOU'RE ALMOST THERE!!". We got quite a reactions from those around us and those running. Seemed as if we actually helped motivate people because some sped up after our cheering! We saw Nathaniel and cheered for him too!!

We were exhausted by the time we got home, but JD did good and Monique and I were there to prove it!! 10k next time JD??

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

It was a fun day!

You are the 'GANBARE' queen!!