Monday, June 2, 2008

Totally awsome 80s party

For the first time in my life I have met people that are as excited as I am to dress up and have theme parties. Before it was only once a year I got to pick out strange outfits and pack on the make up using the creativity that burns from with in, but since I have met the JET/ALTs in Yamagata I have been able to do on a regular basis and it rocks!!!

Monique hosted a wonderful 80s party at her humble abode! She decorated in bright colors, tons of photos and 80s memorabilia. She compiled an awesome list of 80s must have music and provided more food than I have seen in a very long time! It was awesome! She did an amazing job!!

We all had a blast reminiscing all the great 80s tv shows, cartoons, music and movies! We drank, danced and ate all night long! Here are some great moments....

Chris as Tina Turner

The ladies get into the 80s

JD shows off his Rubix cube and Rebecca remembers what she looked like when she was younger.

Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy Dance

Karate kid gets his fight scene

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

Thanks! It was a fun party!! I am relieved that everyone seemed to have a great time!!