Saturday, June 7, 2008

Packing some more

So I managed to get most of the things I want to keep packed up this week..... came out to 14 boxes!!!! Some were very mall but heavy and some were large and light. So Yoshi helped me do some research on how much its gonna cost me came out to about this:

2 KiloBox: 3,000yen
5 kilo box: 4,500yen
10 kilo box: 6,500yen
20 kilo box: 10,000yen
30 kilo box (but perimeter size must not be over 3 meters): 13,000Yen

14 individual boxes were going to be very expensive!!! So Yoshi, whom I have come to learn is a bit of a rule bender, came up with the idea to tape my boxes together to make a few big boxes that are 30kilos instead of sending 14 different sized and weight boxes. Ended up making my 14 boxes into 3 huge boxes!! Chikako and Yoshi came to my apartment and weighed each box and stacked them to get them all around 30kilos and under 3meters in peramiter. They are amazing! Got them all piled together now just need to figure out how wrap them together and get them to the post office... Yoshi offered to help me do this next week.

Cleaning things out means lots of garbage!! I spent an hour yesterday peeling lables, crushing bottles and sorting things into the appropriate bags!! Had things like shoes, luggage and all kinds of other things to throw out!

So now this is what my apartment basically looks like:

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...


Don't go!!!!!!!!!

Although I am debating whether to buy your dryer...