Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Teaching Idea for Teachers

I know a lot of English teacher read my blog, therefore I am posting this because I feel as if it was a very good activity. Its best one on one or in small groups where you can pair them off. You could use it in English club or really good for private English schools or just for fun!!

I have two high school girls whose English levels are impressive, however I find that they have a hard time telling things specifically or giving good directions so that others might understand them. I remembered a game that my sister and I used to play and I tried it.

I had the two girls sit back to back. Y was facing the white board and R was facing the opposite way with a paper and pencil in hand. I drew a simple picture on the board; for example, a flower. Then Y had to tell, in detail, how R was to draw this picture without saying what it was.

A good example: draw a medium sized circle in on your paper. Then touch one outside point of your circle and draw upward a semi-circle until it touches the circle edge again. Keep doing this until you run out of space on the circles edge.

Then they switched chairs and I drew something different. Some things I drew were a star, a heart, a rabbit, a cat.... simple kid style drawings that had odd shapes in them. The more they did the more challenging the pictures became. They laughed so hard at some of the end results that looked nothing like what I drew.

You would be surprised how much this information gets misinterpreted. It was hysterical to see what they would come up with. I wish I would have taken pictures for you all.

Try it and let me know how it worked for you!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

Hey, thanks for the reminder!

I was taught this at a JET seminar a few years ago in Tendo.

I have played it a few times in small classes. I usually print out pictures from Word ClipArt and then they use them to describe to the other person.

It's pretty funny to see the end result!