Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Packing it up

Packing it ALL up!! AHHH!!!!! What work! Remind me again why I have all this crap in Japan??

So I have been spending the week sorting, bubble wrapping and boxing! I have about 10 boxes ready to go and cringe every times I see them knowing that its going to cost me a small fortune to send them all. And sadly... I MUST keep them and send them!! I get attached to my "things"...terrible .. I KNOW!!

I did make piles:

- Lesley School
-Give to Friends

The last one is giving me a hard time. I want to give things away because I wish someone would have given or left me things when I first moved here; however I bought and paid for everything so why should I just leave it for someone I don't even know!! Then I came to the conclusion that I would just give everything to the wonderful friends I will be leaving behind, but then I was reminded this week about how BROKE I am. Said I should give discounts to friends but still ask for a little something and that they would understand because they know I'm broke. But I cant!! I'm wayyy too nice!

So if you come to my apartment this week please don't be surprised to find my apartment not only bare, but also a disaster zone!!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

Arrgh! I don't even wanna think about packing.

And I don't wanna think about you packing either because that means you're leaving :(

You should try and sell what you can.

You could even take some stuff to hard off and get some money if you can't sell it to friends.

Hmmm, I will have to check out what you have. Do I need anything...?

Are you sending your stuff home via sea mail? That should be way cheaper.