Monday, May 26, 2008

Another weekend in Nagai

The Kuro Shishi Festival was a hit as always! I love going every year. I always ask my students if they will be attending and they always say no, I have no idea how one can not have the interest of seeing Nagai in action!!!

So to start the weekend off JD came over to watch Lost. I'm totally addicted and love that he shares in it with me. Then Maggy and Heather came from up north and we had an unexpected early visit from Monique. Fumi met us at Shiraku where we ran into our first Shishi of the night and took pictures with a bunch of business men that found us fascinating. Went into the Izakaya to find that these men were part of a huge group eating at the same place!! They were entertaining to me, but I think Monique and a few others felt they were being a bit impeding and eventually chased them away. But we did manage to eat some good food and chit chat a bit and then Nicole came and heather left. We say 2 more shishi who came into our restaurant and wished us all good luck.

Then it was off to the park area where the main attractions were. We saw many more shishi, food and our other gaijin friends: Rebecca, Chrissy, Clair, Matty and others. We all hung around and chit chatted a bit before the rain really started to come down and a group of us ended up back at my house playing cards, drinking and watching questionable videos. Poor Monique was trying to get some rest, but we were all too loud! Sorry Monique!

Sunday we all went to Yamagata where we tried to do some shopping in preparation for next weekends 80s party. I think some people got some good things and others did well not spending any money.

Today I met Willfred. He is my replacement here in Japan. Hes from LA. Cool guy. I think he is Chinese-American. Sounds very Californian. Seems to love Japan and in the hour I spent talking to him I learned he hopes to have a family someday (random and interesting thing to learn about a person). His Japanese is pretty good and from what I hear he is a bit of a health freak and a little small (Fits right in to the Japanese male visual). Anyways I hope you all give him a chance.

Besides that I have been busy applying to random companies online for anything that deals with coordination or even planning. Trying to get my foot in the door. Not trying as hard as I could be, but at least doing something. Next goal is to purchase my ticket out of here, but I'm procrastinating because its soo friggin expensive.

Hope you all had a good weekend!!

Special thanks to all those that wished me a happy birthday, its not quite my birthday yet, but thank you for thinking of me!

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