Thursday, July 31, 2008

The last day

Today was my last official day at Lesley English School.

It was hard.
One of the most emotionally difficult things I have ever done in my life. I worry that I didn't have enough time with them. I worry that I will forget them or that they will forget me.

I never imagined that someone could love their work this incredibly much. I have loved working at Lesley English School and Kozakura Kindergarten so much. I have put my heart and my passion into working at these wonderful schools. I cant imagine being more happy at any other place in the world. I wish I could express whats in my heart to you all, but words just cant express it.
I have grown here. I have grown because of my job. I have made friends for life because of my job. I have learned the blessings of children because of my job. I have learned patience and understanding because of my job. I have learned what it feel like to actually teach someone something because of my job. I have learned culture, Japanese, and teaching because of my job. I have learned so many things I cant even think of them all.

I cant believe I will never see my students faces again. I will never laugh with them. Yell at the top of my lungs with them. I will never do something crazy that makes them laugh that whole hearted laugh. I will never yell and get angry at them (in the "I know they can do better than that" sense). I will never learn from them anymore. I will never help their cuts and bruises or ease their insecurities. However, I will miss them and think of them often.

I'm so proud of my students and I wish them lots of luck and good blessings for their futures. I hope they accomplish every goal they set out to accomplish. I hope that they understand how much they have meant to me. I hope they never forget me the way I will never forget them.
OK... time to cry myself to sleep now. Good night and Good bye.
Midori Kamio 6 years old
Marina Suzuki 9 years old and Minami Suzuki 11 years old
Kyoko Sensei, she is an Elementary School Principal
Yuya Suzuki 15 years old and Shohei Ito 15 years old
Chikako Koseki, my best friend and student
Arata Nasu 7 years old, we have the same birthday
Kouki Ooyabe 8 years old, my favorite student, he cried when he left my last class
Takako Maki, my good friend and Aya Miyota, a new student, but feels like she has been in my class forever
Kazuma Ito 6 years old
Moyuko Yamakawa 10 years old and Haruka Abe 10 years old
Sayuri Kamio 11 years old
Sayaka Suzuki 14 years old and Mio Koseki 13 years old

Rika Takahashi 17 years old and Yuka Ito 17 years old, my very close friends

I will miss them dearly

Yasuhiro Umetsu 18 years old, the coolest sports jock Ive ever met

Good bye to each and everyone of you. You are a part of who I am today. Thank you for everything. I will miss you!

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