Monday, July 14, 2008

Weekend in Sakata

Last weekend we headed to Sakata for the JET/ALT good bye party in Sakata.

On Saturday afternoon we gathered at the park for an afternoon picnic and social chit chat. Then Monique, JoeyD and I went back to Jeff's to get ready and headed for an izakaya. Finally ending up at the main event! Jeff's band played and we all gathered to dance, sing, drink and chat the night away. That wasn't the end of this awesome day, after about 40 people headed over to Karaoke where everyone sang their hearts out!! It was a great memorable evening!!

On Sunday we went to the BEACH!!! I was so excited! It was my first time to the beach in Japan and probably my last. It was a bit cold and the sand a little rough, but the weather couldn't have been better and the company made it worth so much more!!

It was an awesome weekend! Special thanks to Monique for driving ALL the way there and back and to Jeff who let us all crash at his wonderful apartment and even cleaned it before our arrival!!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

It was a fun weekend!!

I'm still tired from it!

Glad you could come and see the beach and say goodbye to people.

More fun due next weekend! Hoorah!