Thursday, July 24, 2008

Disney and adventures

Last week and weekend was very busy.

On Thursday night I went out with Yoshi and Chikako to Fune (one of your favorite places to go for drinks and food). We sat around telling stories, talking about ideas for the English School in the future, eating good Japanese food and drinking beer. I ended up heading home around 2am. It reminded me of the good old days before the other teacher we worked with arrived (she doesn't drink and has a bit of an attitude when everyone around her is, so we don't enjoy drinking with her around).

On Friday morning Chikako came over to give me a cooking class. She makes Risotto balls to perfection and I tried making them before, but it was a complete failure, so she offered to come and teach me by example. We cooked for over one hour, but it was well worth it. The Risotto balls were fantastic and I spent the rest of the day snacking on them.

yummy Risotto balls

First thing Saturday morning I was picked up by Maggy and JD at 5:50am to head to Akayu station. Our train to Tokyo was full so we ended up having to stand in the hall ways half of the way, but whenever you are with good friends time always passes by so quickly! We arrived at Tokyo Station around 9:30 and stayed just long enough to dump our bags in a locker, before catching the next train to Tokyo Disneyland!! The closer we got to Disney the more awake we all became ... and excited as well!!

Disneyland was a blast! We started off strong and I was sooo excited I couldn't keep still. We all lathered on the sunscreen and took off counter clockwise around the park. When we stooped for a snack all of a sudden we started swaying as if we were on a ride and the it occurred that there was an EARTHQUAKE!! We are all pretty tired of all the earthquakes and Maggy and I did a bit of a mild freak out while Monique just sat there and JD complained that he couldn't feel it. Unfortunately, they ended up stopping to check the ONLY two rides we were headed to next. We did end up catching the Goofy's Splash parade! And went so fast and crazy on the Tea Cups that we got an ovation and the breaks put on. We ended our day with soar feet, the lights parade, the night time show at the castle and Space Mountain (where Maggy screamed her head off)! It was an awesome day!!

YAY for Disneyland! (Left to right: Monique, Maggy, Me and JoeyD)

Winnie the Pooh was the longest line we waited in (Left to right: Maggy, Monique and Me)

The next day we were up bright and early to head back out to Disney to meet Fumi and Nicole for a day at Disney Sea! The four of us were exhausted and had aching feet, but we kept on going. We made our way for Indiana Jones and waited in a, well worth while, two hour line. Next we had Mexican food and watched a mariachi band before heading to the roller coaster (we were happy we had fast passes because it was not worth the 80 minute wait). Then we were off to Journey of the Center of the Earth (always a great ride!) then the Storm Rider and last but not least Tower of Terror! It was my first time on Tower of Terror and I was nervous, but tried to be strong for Maggy and Nicole who were freaking out! We all made it out safe and did some shopping before heading out around 7pm. 2 days full of Disney is exhaustingly worth while!

Day 2 Disney Sea (Left to right: JoeyD, Maggy, Monique, Nicole, Me and Fumi)

Yay for Disney Sea (Left to right: Nicole, Monique, Me, JoeyD, Fumi and Maggy)

We made it to our hotel with only 30 minutes time to relax and change before we headed out for a few hours in Roppongi. With everyone exhausted, we were moving slowly and not up for a wild night. So we headed to TGIF where we ate and awesome American Dinner and had a few huge drinks (mine of course were Margaritas). Then we went to my friends bar, but she wasn't there so headed back out quickly. We were all exhausted and decided to head for home. Maggy and I decided to hit the English Pub near our hotel for an hour before heading to bed! We sat next to some pretty rude guys, but had some yummy drinks!

Yummy drinks at TGIF in Roppongi Tokyo

Me and my Margarita

Monday we were all super tired and ready to go home, but not before we went to Akihabra to do some shopping and go to the Foreign Food Store that Chikako recommended. Of course, because I'm leaving in a few weeks, I didn't buy much, but my friends loaded up on the over priced goodies!

We headed home on the Shinkansen around 5pm and arrived in Akayu before having car troubles (please see other blog postings).

All in all it was a great week full of wonderful friends and adventures! Its a weekend to remember and never to forget! Thank you to all my fantastic friends and I hope you all had an incredible, yet exhausting, time like I did.


FunkyChicken said...

Yaay for Disney!!

Cool photos too!

Thanks for organising everything!! You rock!!

Those risotto balls look great too!

Anonymous said...

I hate earthquakes Monica!!!! >.< And yes, Disney was totally awesome although I don't think I will be going again lol. Except for Halloween. =D I want to buy all the Halloween goodies!!