Friday, July 11, 2008


Goals for when I'm home (thus far):

-Spending quality time speaking (not shouting) with my mom
-Spending quality time with my sister and just hanging out with her
-Irritating and doing "nothing" with my grandmother
-Open every box and going though everything I own at my mothers house
-Take a painting class
-Go to the beach
-Take random pictures around Redlands
-Go to Church every Sunday (no matter how difficult it is emotionally)
-Help my mother with some house hold improvements
-Cook lots of good food and bake (I will be so happy to have a real oven after 3 years)
-Spend time with my friends doing cheap and enjoyable things
-Be thankful for Japan and thankful for my experiences in life
-Email and think of my friends in Japan often

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

Yaaay! Goals! They're good to have!!

Will you keep blogging? I hope so!