Monday, July 28, 2008

The Begining of Good byes

This past weekend was another event filled weekend.

On Friday night I had my first good bye party with the Kindergarten teachers. All 10 came and an old teacher that I worked beside for 2 years came. They got me a picture frame with pictures off all our classes and some of my favorite students. I cried when I saw it thinking that a) they know me well because I love pictures b) they took the time to take, collect and get the pictures printed and c) know how much I love kindergarten and don't want me to ever forget. Just thinking of it brings tears to my eyes. They also gave me a Japanese paper doll in a glass case to keep in my house. The only down side is that they are both very large and I now have to get a glass case home with me. We all had a great time and told stories and laughed. They told me that they appreciate me and know that I have a love for what I do. It made me feel so appreciated and like I will be missed greatly.

Dinner with kinder teachers (sorry my camera is broken.. night pictures come out like this)

The picture frame they gave to me as my Good bye present

On Saturday afternoon Nathaniel arrived and we had Sushi before hanging out a bit chit chatting. When we went to the store we ran into the Motomachi Shishi (Japanese lion) which was full of our previous and current students. We stopped and watched and chit chatted for a bit.

Motomachi's Shishi

The kids doing Taiko (Japanese drums)

Kouki is the one in the white hat and the girl is Koko and her mom is on the right.

On Saturday night Monique came over to hang for a bit and then say good bye to me. I was really good and didn't cry. I think I didn't cry because I know in my heart I will see her again and keep in touch. That and I know if I cried then Monique would cry and then Maggy would cry, so I was strong. Monique gave me two scrap books full of our adventures from the past year. It was decorated in Disney and butterflies and I LOVE IT! Then Maggy, Nathaniel and I went out drinking before Wilfred (the new teacher who is replacing me) arrived and joined us. The four of us ended up staying out until 4 am chit chatting with each other and other drunken Japanese people. I think we all had a good time, but were exhausted.

Sunday morning I woke up and made everyone pancakes and then prepared and rested up for the Lesley School Good bye/Welcome Wilfred BBQ. They didn't really need our help, but Wilfed, Nathaniel and I went early to help out before things got going. The BBQ was fun. It was Olympics themed and we had teams and competed against each other in Long Jump, Discus, Relay and Basketball. My team won of course!! Then we ate some yummy BBQ food and hung out a bit. I got some really really awesome good bye presents. A Yukata (summer Kimono) from Yoshi and Chikako (I had really been wanting one and when I started asking them how I could get one, they had already ordered mine). I love my Yukata, its pink with Cherry blossoms and the shash is bright pink with a flower and butterfly on it. I will wear it next weekend and take pictures so you all can see it. I also got a wall hanging made from paper from the Ooyabe family. Hand made origami from the Itoh family. A fan with my name engraved on the back from the Nasu family. Getas (Japanese style shoes that you wear with kimonos) from Chieko. Some hair clips and stickers from the Kamio family. And some very kind letters from other students.

I went for an otsukaresama party (good work now lets drink party) with Wilfred, Nathaniel, Takako and Yoshi. Since it was Nathaniels last night Wilfred and I went out with him after that to a new place and met some drunk crazy people and Wilfred sang some karaoke. We got back at 2 am and I was exhausted!!

It was a busy weekend and I loved every minute of it. I'm sad to leave, but glad that I get chances like these to make life long memories.

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