Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sendai/Moniques bday

I spent last weekend in Sendai with some of the most awesome people ever!! JD and I went early on Saturday and did some shopping before checking into our hotel and meeting Maggy.
The three of us decorated Monique's hotel room full of fun and home made decorations! We had fun decorating, cutting and taping!! It turned out better than I think anyone expected! I also put out the cake I had made the night before It was a special cake just for Monique.
Room decorations

The cake!

After we rested up a bit Kat, Nicole and Monique arrived and we all got ready before gathering for some birthday wine, cake and present opening.

Lets get this party started!

Then it was off to an Izakaya and dancing for the night in celebration of the wonderfulness of Monique.

The gang minus Amanda who is taking the picture

The birthday girl and I

The next two days I Nicole and I did some shopping and then got extensions on our VISAs. It was a very fun and productive weekend!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

It was a really good time!!!

Thanks so much for all your hard work!!

Damn man, I wish we had more times like this.