Thursday, July 31, 2008

Leaving the place I call home

When I was 18 I left home for the first time; from what I can recall, I'm pretty sure there were no, if little, tears shed.

When I was 20 I left Hawaii for France; from what I can recall, there were a few tears shed because my roommate was leaving Hawaii for good shortly after I left.

6 months later I left France to go back to Hawaii; from what I can recall,l there were few tears, if none, shed.

When I was 22 I left Hawaii again, this time for Japan; from what I can recall, there were absolutely no tears shed.

Now I'm 25 and I am leaving Japan for the unknown; will be leaving in 5 days and there have been so many tears shed to the point where I feel like some over emotional drama queen. I fee like there has been a hose stuck in my head. I feel like Water Works. I feel exhausted and have a constant head ache because I strain so hard not to cry more.

Is this what its supposed to feel like when you leave home. If so, then leaving the place I call home has been more difficult that one could ever imagine.

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