Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Disney preperations

On Sunday JoeyD, Monique, Nicole and I all gathered in Kahoku at Maggy's wonderful apartment to set the mood for our Disney trip at the end of July by having a Disney movie marathon.

We started the day off with wonderful Mexican food from Bull Dogs and then settled in for the afternoon in front of the TV. We managed to watch 4 Disney movies!! YES I SAID 4! Boy was my butt asleep!! We watched A Goofy Movie, Lion King, Aladdin and The Rescuers Down Under.

I especially enjoyed watching Nicole and Maggy sing along to the movies hitting every lyric! It was awesome. Everyone brought tons of junk food, there was enough to feed a small country and we all pigged out until we couldn't move. Monique sat and corrected her student's test, which were highly amusing to read. Cant believe those were high school students!

I find that the times in life that I enjoy the most are days like this. When you and your friends can just sit around and be your goofy selves. Just spending time together doing nothing super specific, expensive or overly exciting. I cant express how much I enjoyed Sunday. I don't think I could have had a more perfect day!

Our table of junk food

The musically talented ones

The fabulous Mr. JD

The test grading teacher Monique

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

It was a nice day except...I probably put on another kilo! >_<