Thursday, July 31, 2008

The last day

Today was my last official day at Lesley English School.

It was hard.
One of the most emotionally difficult things I have ever done in my life. I worry that I didn't have enough time with them. I worry that I will forget them or that they will forget me.

I never imagined that someone could love their work this incredibly much. I have loved working at Lesley English School and Kozakura Kindergarten so much. I have put my heart and my passion into working at these wonderful schools. I cant imagine being more happy at any other place in the world. I wish I could express whats in my heart to you all, but words just cant express it.
I have grown here. I have grown because of my job. I have made friends for life because of my job. I have learned the blessings of children because of my job. I have learned patience and understanding because of my job. I have learned what it feel like to actually teach someone something because of my job. I have learned culture, Japanese, and teaching because of my job. I have learned so many things I cant even think of them all.

I cant believe I will never see my students faces again. I will never laugh with them. Yell at the top of my lungs with them. I will never do something crazy that makes them laugh that whole hearted laugh. I will never yell and get angry at them (in the "I know they can do better than that" sense). I will never learn from them anymore. I will never help their cuts and bruises or ease their insecurities. However, I will miss them and think of them often.

I'm so proud of my students and I wish them lots of luck and good blessings for their futures. I hope they accomplish every goal they set out to accomplish. I hope that they understand how much they have meant to me. I hope they never forget me the way I will never forget them.
OK... time to cry myself to sleep now. Good night and Good bye.
Midori Kamio 6 years old
Marina Suzuki 9 years old and Minami Suzuki 11 years old
Kyoko Sensei, she is an Elementary School Principal
Yuya Suzuki 15 years old and Shohei Ito 15 years old
Chikako Koseki, my best friend and student
Arata Nasu 7 years old, we have the same birthday
Kouki Ooyabe 8 years old, my favorite student, he cried when he left my last class
Takako Maki, my good friend and Aya Miyota, a new student, but feels like she has been in my class forever
Kazuma Ito 6 years old
Moyuko Yamakawa 10 years old and Haruka Abe 10 years old
Sayuri Kamio 11 years old
Sayaka Suzuki 14 years old and Mio Koseki 13 years old

Rika Takahashi 17 years old and Yuka Ito 17 years old, my very close friends

I will miss them dearly

Yasuhiro Umetsu 18 years old, the coolest sports jock Ive ever met

Good bye to each and everyone of you. You are a part of who I am today. Thank you for everything. I will miss you!

Leaving the place I call home

When I was 18 I left home for the first time; from what I can recall, I'm pretty sure there were no, if little, tears shed.

When I was 20 I left Hawaii for France; from what I can recall, there were a few tears shed because my roommate was leaving Hawaii for good shortly after I left.

6 months later I left France to go back to Hawaii; from what I can recall,l there were few tears, if none, shed.

When I was 22 I left Hawaii again, this time for Japan; from what I can recall, there were absolutely no tears shed.

Now I'm 25 and I am leaving Japan for the unknown; will be leaving in 5 days and there have been so many tears shed to the point where I feel like some over emotional drama queen. I fee like there has been a hose stuck in my head. I feel like Water Works. I feel exhausted and have a constant head ache because I strain so hard not to cry more.

Is this what its supposed to feel like when you leave home. If so, then leaving the place I call home has been more difficult that one could ever imagine.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Begining of Good byes

This past weekend was another event filled weekend.

On Friday night I had my first good bye party with the Kindergarten teachers. All 10 came and an old teacher that I worked beside for 2 years came. They got me a picture frame with pictures off all our classes and some of my favorite students. I cried when I saw it thinking that a) they know me well because I love pictures b) they took the time to take, collect and get the pictures printed and c) know how much I love kindergarten and don't want me to ever forget. Just thinking of it brings tears to my eyes. They also gave me a Japanese paper doll in a glass case to keep in my house. The only down side is that they are both very large and I now have to get a glass case home with me. We all had a great time and told stories and laughed. They told me that they appreciate me and know that I have a love for what I do. It made me feel so appreciated and like I will be missed greatly.

Dinner with kinder teachers (sorry my camera is broken.. night pictures come out like this)

The picture frame they gave to me as my Good bye present

On Saturday afternoon Nathaniel arrived and we had Sushi before hanging out a bit chit chatting. When we went to the store we ran into the Motomachi Shishi (Japanese lion) which was full of our previous and current students. We stopped and watched and chit chatted for a bit.

Motomachi's Shishi

The kids doing Taiko (Japanese drums)

Kouki is the one in the white hat and the girl is Koko and her mom is on the right.

On Saturday night Monique came over to hang for a bit and then say good bye to me. I was really good and didn't cry. I think I didn't cry because I know in my heart I will see her again and keep in touch. That and I know if I cried then Monique would cry and then Maggy would cry, so I was strong. Monique gave me two scrap books full of our adventures from the past year. It was decorated in Disney and butterflies and I LOVE IT! Then Maggy, Nathaniel and I went out drinking before Wilfred (the new teacher who is replacing me) arrived and joined us. The four of us ended up staying out until 4 am chit chatting with each other and other drunken Japanese people. I think we all had a good time, but were exhausted.

Sunday morning I woke up and made everyone pancakes and then prepared and rested up for the Lesley School Good bye/Welcome Wilfred BBQ. They didn't really need our help, but Wilfed, Nathaniel and I went early to help out before things got going. The BBQ was fun. It was Olympics themed and we had teams and competed against each other in Long Jump, Discus, Relay and Basketball. My team won of course!! Then we ate some yummy BBQ food and hung out a bit. I got some really really awesome good bye presents. A Yukata (summer Kimono) from Yoshi and Chikako (I had really been wanting one and when I started asking them how I could get one, they had already ordered mine). I love my Yukata, its pink with Cherry blossoms and the shash is bright pink with a flower and butterfly on it. I will wear it next weekend and take pictures so you all can see it. I also got a wall hanging made from paper from the Ooyabe family. Hand made origami from the Itoh family. A fan with my name engraved on the back from the Nasu family. Getas (Japanese style shoes that you wear with kimonos) from Chieko. Some hair clips and stickers from the Kamio family. And some very kind letters from other students.

I went for an otsukaresama party (good work now lets drink party) with Wilfred, Nathaniel, Takako and Yoshi. Since it was Nathaniels last night Wilfred and I went out with him after that to a new place and met some drunk crazy people and Wilfred sang some karaoke. We got back at 2 am and I was exhausted!!

It was a busy weekend and I loved every minute of it. I'm sad to leave, but glad that I get chances like these to make life long memories.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Last day at kindergarten

Today was my last day at kindergarten. My last class was a few weeks ago, but I have been helping out for about 2 weeks. They had me stand up and they said thank you and good luck in my future and I couldn't help but start crying. The idea that I will never see their faces, play tag, heal a wound or sing a song there ever again made tears fall with no shame. They gave me flowers and asked me to give a speech, but words could not come out. I just stood there crying and getting few trembling words out. Kindergarten has such a big place in my heart. I always felt loved, respected and appreciated there. I will truly miss working there and hope that I have made an impact on my students and co-workers lives the way they have on mine. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to work there. I will miss it there terribly.

My Good bye flowers from the school

Present from one of my students. This page is of me and her.

Picture and thank you note ( Im pretty sure her mom wrote it)

And the last page is a picture of her, her mom, me and Nathaniel

Eiji and Asunaro coloring me some pictures (they are 3 years old)

Best friends who wanted a picture taken really badly... lol

Some of the older students (Yuushun, Suzu, Rio and Mihana)

Group shot of the 4 year olds!

Sumire Class (teacher is Yoshiko. Kids:Nagi, Shu, Haruto, Kenya, Renka, Rana, Takuma, Emika and Yuu)

Tanpopo Class waving me Good bye and Good luck! I love this class!

Disney and adventures

Last week and weekend was very busy.

On Thursday night I went out with Yoshi and Chikako to Fune (one of your favorite places to go for drinks and food). We sat around telling stories, talking about ideas for the English School in the future, eating good Japanese food and drinking beer. I ended up heading home around 2am. It reminded me of the good old days before the other teacher we worked with arrived (she doesn't drink and has a bit of an attitude when everyone around her is, so we don't enjoy drinking with her around).

On Friday morning Chikako came over to give me a cooking class. She makes Risotto balls to perfection and I tried making them before, but it was a complete failure, so she offered to come and teach me by example. We cooked for over one hour, but it was well worth it. The Risotto balls were fantastic and I spent the rest of the day snacking on them.

yummy Risotto balls

First thing Saturday morning I was picked up by Maggy and JD at 5:50am to head to Akayu station. Our train to Tokyo was full so we ended up having to stand in the hall ways half of the way, but whenever you are with good friends time always passes by so quickly! We arrived at Tokyo Station around 9:30 and stayed just long enough to dump our bags in a locker, before catching the next train to Tokyo Disneyland!! The closer we got to Disney the more awake we all became ... and excited as well!!

Disneyland was a blast! We started off strong and I was sooo excited I couldn't keep still. We all lathered on the sunscreen and took off counter clockwise around the park. When we stooped for a snack all of a sudden we started swaying as if we were on a ride and the it occurred that there was an EARTHQUAKE!! We are all pretty tired of all the earthquakes and Maggy and I did a bit of a mild freak out while Monique just sat there and JD complained that he couldn't feel it. Unfortunately, they ended up stopping to check the ONLY two rides we were headed to next. We did end up catching the Goofy's Splash parade! And went so fast and crazy on the Tea Cups that we got an ovation and the breaks put on. We ended our day with soar feet, the lights parade, the night time show at the castle and Space Mountain (where Maggy screamed her head off)! It was an awesome day!!

YAY for Disneyland! (Left to right: Monique, Maggy, Me and JoeyD)

Winnie the Pooh was the longest line we waited in (Left to right: Maggy, Monique and Me)

The next day we were up bright and early to head back out to Disney to meet Fumi and Nicole for a day at Disney Sea! The four of us were exhausted and had aching feet, but we kept on going. We made our way for Indiana Jones and waited in a, well worth while, two hour line. Next we had Mexican food and watched a mariachi band before heading to the roller coaster (we were happy we had fast passes because it was not worth the 80 minute wait). Then we were off to Journey of the Center of the Earth (always a great ride!) then the Storm Rider and last but not least Tower of Terror! It was my first time on Tower of Terror and I was nervous, but tried to be strong for Maggy and Nicole who were freaking out! We all made it out safe and did some shopping before heading out around 7pm. 2 days full of Disney is exhaustingly worth while!

Day 2 Disney Sea (Left to right: JoeyD, Maggy, Monique, Nicole, Me and Fumi)

Yay for Disney Sea (Left to right: Nicole, Monique, Me, JoeyD, Fumi and Maggy)

We made it to our hotel with only 30 minutes time to relax and change before we headed out for a few hours in Roppongi. With everyone exhausted, we were moving slowly and not up for a wild night. So we headed to TGIF where we ate and awesome American Dinner and had a few huge drinks (mine of course were Margaritas). Then we went to my friends bar, but she wasn't there so headed back out quickly. We were all exhausted and decided to head for home. Maggy and I decided to hit the English Pub near our hotel for an hour before heading to bed! We sat next to some pretty rude guys, but had some yummy drinks!

Yummy drinks at TGIF in Roppongi Tokyo

Me and my Margarita

Monday we were all super tired and ready to go home, but not before we went to Akihabra to do some shopping and go to the Foreign Food Store that Chikako recommended. Of course, because I'm leaving in a few weeks, I didn't buy much, but my friends loaded up on the over priced goodies!

We headed home on the Shinkansen around 5pm and arrived in Akayu before having car troubles (please see other blog postings).

All in all it was a great week full of wonderful friends and adventures! Its a weekend to remember and never to forget! Thank you to all my fantastic friends and I hope you all had an incredible, yet exhausting, time like I did.

Stop the shaking!

I just pray there isnt another one before I leave! No wonder I cant sleep at night!

CNN wrote:

(CNN) -- A strong earthquake injured 92 people and destroyed 31 buildings in northern Japan on Thursday, authorities said.

People at an auto dealership in Karumai, Japan, clean up glass shards after a strong earthquake Thursday.

The magnitude 6.8 earthquake rattled north-central Japan, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Elderly residents were among the injured, including a 72-year-old woman who was hurt when a closet fell on her head and an 83-year-old man who fell out of bed and hurt his spine, police said.
In addition to destroy buildings, the quake caused landslides in six locations and forced the cancellation of train service in affected areas.

The quake lasted for up to 40 seconds, The Associated Press reported.

About 6,700 homes were left without electricity after the earthquake caused a blackout, AP cited Disaster Minister Shinya Izumi as saying.

Meteorological Agency official Takashi Yokota warned of possible aftershocks from Thursday's quake, according to AP.

The quake struck about 12:26 a.m. (10:26 a.m. ET Wednesday), and its epicenter was in eastern Honshu, about 25 km (15 miles) east-northeast of the town of Morioka and 80 km (50 miles) south of Hachinohe, the USGS said.

Although the quake was classified as "strong" by the USGS, data showed its center was 111 km (69 miles) below Earth's surface. In general, earthquakes centered closer to the Earth's surface produce stronger shaking and generally can cause more damage than those further underground.
The Japanese Meteorological Agency said there was no danger of a tsunami.

A 7.2-magnitude quake struck northern Japan's Iwate Prefecture last month, killing at least 10 people and injuring more than 200. At least 12 were missing as a result of the June 14 quake, buried in the rubble of a secluded resort in neighboring Miyagi Prefecture.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Can anyone help us?!

Before I post later about my awesome weekend in Tokyo with my friends and the Disney Gang, I want to blog about what happened when we got back before I forget all the details.

After a long sleepless weekend full of aching feet, we took the shinkansen back to Akayu.

Maggy had driven to Nagai the Friday night before we left for Tokyo and then drove us to the Station Saturday morning at 6:00am and kept her car parked there. (because she is great like that). Maggy lives about 45 minutes from Nagai in a town called Kahoku. From Akayu its about and hour and a half or so driving. We arrived at Akayu at 7:30 exhausted and wanting Sushi and then bed. We dragged our feet and bags all the way to the car, Maggy had to dig out her keys and then we were relieved to be on our way.


the car wouldn't start. That's right.... the car would NOT start.

Called Chikako and Yoshi in hopes that they would offer to come rescue us, but they were not in the best position to drive. Wonderful Chikako gave us some good ideas of places to as for help.

First a 10 minute walk (on our sore feet it felt like an hour) to the gas station to ask for help. We walk in and a little 20 year old Japanese girl looks at us and says " I have no idea how to do that!" and then I ask her if she has any suggestions. She flips through papers and the phone book obviously having no idea what she is doing so we decide its a dead end and leave.

Second, we walk back to the station where we ask a taxi driver. Who says she doesn't have jumper cables and it would cost for her to help us anyways. I cant really understand her much and struggle to keep up with her Japanese and eventually give up and call Chikako to help translate. She is kind enough to do so, but it doesn't really help. The taxi lady isn't really willing to be much help (or cant??).

Third, we go inside the station and ask the man, I pass him the phone again to talk to Chikako and he says that he is the only worker in the station so he cant really help and the place that is best for us to go is closed for the night. Basically he is no help.

Fourth, Chikako says she will call a few places in the area and see if any one can help us.

Fifth, the taxi driver from before calls us over and says she talked to the taxi driver behind her and he said he could call some one to help but the person who would help would cost some money. At that point we jump at the offer and say THANK YOU!!! He calls a taxi that has jumper cables and he comes, but he is annoyed because he is not a car repair man, he is a taxi. Finally get to our car, push it to a convenient spot and then the taxi guy takes 5 minutes to jump the car. We thank him and pay him only 700 yen and he leaves!

YAY!! the car is running. Bad news is that Maggy need a new battery, apparently hers is old and might not work again in the morning, but good news is that she and we can get home!!

Finally got home around 9:00 and Maggy at 10:00. To find out that JoeyD had left his souvenir bags on the train!!!

Yes it was one of those days... I like to blame the fact that we sat in row 13 of the train.

Hows that saying go: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger... yea one of those experiences.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Slight sigh of relief

Feeling much better financially! :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Still cant sleep. Its starting to wear on me too.

Last kindergarten class

I taught my last class at kindergarten yesterday. Unfortunately it was the class I like the least (the babies, so cute but have low attention spans) with the teachers I like the least and was cut short due to swimming time. I don't think its really sunk in that I will never teach a class at Kozakura kindergarten ever again. Probably because I'm still working there, helping with swim time, car safety and preparations for summer vacation. I will only work there 5 more days. The places I have been working for 3 years, the place where I wake up so eager to go to work to, the place where I learned so much, the place where kids have made me laugh and cry.... the place I love. I think in the end its what I will miss the most. My young students who have such big hearts and wide eyes. They see everything from such an innocent and new perspective. I will miss teaching them and learning with them. 5 more days.... that's all I have. No more classes.....

Monday, July 14, 2008


I have crazy insomnia!!

Its not rare for me to catch a little insomnia from time to time, but I know this time its due to all that's going on in my head! I close my eyes and then things like: I have to clean xyz. Oh don't forget you need to pack xyz. Did you do xyz. Are you going to get it all done Monica? Oh and I have to do xyz before the weekend.Do you have enough money for xyz? Are you going to be able to pay for everything?... its driving me crazy!

How do I turn off my head so that my body can get quality rest (in a healthy manner)??

Fa Ji tas

Today JoeyD invited me over for dinner! He made some wonderful fajitas (that he always pronounces fa Ji tas). They were delicious!! He really should cook more often.

I kept joking and tell him it felt like a date, the lights were dimmed low and the music in the back ground and table set for two... it was cute!

After dinner we chit chatted about TV shows and the weekend before he kicked my ass at Mario Kart!

A good Monday night... wish every week started this nice! Thank you JoeyD!!

Weekend in Sakata

Last weekend we headed to Sakata for the JET/ALT good bye party in Sakata.

On Saturday afternoon we gathered at the park for an afternoon picnic and social chit chat. Then Monique, JoeyD and I went back to Jeff's to get ready and headed for an izakaya. Finally ending up at the main event! Jeff's band played and we all gathered to dance, sing, drink and chat the night away. That wasn't the end of this awesome day, after about 40 people headed over to Karaoke where everyone sang their hearts out!! It was a great memorable evening!!

On Sunday we went to the BEACH!!! I was so excited! It was my first time to the beach in Japan and probably my last. It was a bit cold and the sand a little rough, but the weather couldn't have been better and the company made it worth so much more!!

It was an awesome weekend! Special thanks to Monique for driving ALL the way there and back and to Jeff who let us all crash at his wonderful apartment and even cleaned it before our arrival!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


AHHHH!!! Financially freaking out!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

1 Month and counting

Its official! One month and counting!! Its going so fast yet so slow!!

Plans for the next month:

July 12-13-Sakata with the JET/ALT peeps
July 14- Dinner at JDs and Dentist
July 19-21- Disneyland weekend (with JD, Maggy, Monique, Nicole and Fumi)
July 24- Last day of kindergarten
July 25- Wilfred and Nathaniel arrive for Good bye dinner party with Kindergarten teachers and staff
July 26-My area Shishi Festival
July 27- Good bye Monica/Hello Wilfred Lesley School Party
July 31- My last day of teaching
August 1- Last Chat Room at Lesley
August 2- Mizu Matsuri (fireworks festival)
August 3- Korean Dinner with Lesley staff and students
August 4- New tattoo addition in Sendai
August 5- Dinner at bosses house. My last night in Japan
August 6- Leave Japan to move to America

Thats one busy month. And I didnt even rember to add my work.. I still have to teach Tuesdays-Fridays! AHHHHHH! Oh and Pack! and clean!


Goals for when I'm home (thus far):

-Spending quality time speaking (not shouting) with my mom
-Spending quality time with my sister and just hanging out with her
-Irritating and doing "nothing" with my grandmother
-Open every box and going though everything I own at my mothers house
-Take a painting class
-Go to the beach
-Take random pictures around Redlands
-Go to Church every Sunday (no matter how difficult it is emotionally)
-Help my mother with some house hold improvements
-Cook lots of good food and bake (I will be so happy to have a real oven after 3 years)
-Spend time with my friends doing cheap and enjoyable things
-Be thankful for Japan and thankful for my experiences in life
-Email and think of my friends in Japan often

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sewing Project # 5

For Monique's birthday I made her a bag from jeans and zebra material. The handle was made from the belt area of the jeans and the outside from the jeans pockets. I broke 2 needles... jeans material sucks sometimes. I hope she liked it!

Sendai/Moniques bday

I spent last weekend in Sendai with some of the most awesome people ever!! JD and I went early on Saturday and did some shopping before checking into our hotel and meeting Maggy.
The three of us decorated Monique's hotel room full of fun and home made decorations! We had fun decorating, cutting and taping!! It turned out better than I think anyone expected! I also put out the cake I had made the night before It was a special cake just for Monique.
Room decorations

The cake!

After we rested up a bit Kat, Nicole and Monique arrived and we all got ready before gathering for some birthday wine, cake and present opening.

Lets get this party started!

Then it was off to an Izakaya and dancing for the night in celebration of the wonderfulness of Monique.

The gang minus Amanda who is taking the picture

The birthday girl and I

The next two days I Nicole and I did some shopping and then got extensions on our VISAs. It was a very fun and productive weekend!