Monday, October 27, 2008

Across Country Trip: Days 25-27

Days 25-27
Everyone woke up around 3 and 4 am and caught flights back to California. Shannon and Manny left at 5am to drive to Georgia. And I left at 10am to meet up with them. The drive was about 8 hours and felt pretty long the last few hours. I stayed in Suwanee City which is about 45 minutes outside of Atlanta with Shannon and Manny. We ate dinner at an English pub where I had really good soup and then we went to bed. It had been a long few weeks and we were all exhausted.
The next day I spent hanging out at their house doing laundry and getting some things at the stores. I watched movies and slept in late. It was a nice lazy day that was much needed. Manny even cooked us dinner before we watched the wedding videos and checked out wedding photos.
My last day on my trip I spent 10 hours in the car driving from Atlanta to DC. The drive was nice. The leaves were erupting in colors of greens, browns, oranges, reds and yellows. The more north I drove the crisper the air became... fall is in the air. I arrived into DC around dinner time and Ger and Dave helped me bring my stuff into the apartment and Ger and I ate some Thai food ( I love Thai food!). It was a long day and I was ready to settle into one place and glad I had finally arrived to my new home city!
Driving to DC... it looked so Fall-y to me

Last road side picture of my trip

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