Saturday, October 4, 2008

Across Country Trip: Day 9

Day 9

I woke up to the Maid Knocking on my door, she said “Sorry I saw the do not disturb sign, but the log says no one is in here. Sorry to disturb you.” I was so irritated… I think that because I had such a bad experience with the hotel already that was the icing on the cake.

Padre Island

I had to check out at noon, but didn’t have to be back in San Antonio until after 5pm. So I decided to grab some lunch before I decided what to do for the day. I found a Pizza place on the GPS system and decided to check it out. Pizza Padre’s was a cute pizza place right off the main road. The bread and herbed oil were fantastic!! The tea was nicely brewed. The place was busy for lunch… all signs of a good place to eat. The menu said that they had the best Cheeseburger Pizza in the Corpus area, so I tried it. It was fantastic!!! A little less Onoions and I would say it was done to perfection! If you are ever on Padre Island near Corpus Christi, I recommend you stop by Padre’s Pizza!

Next, I headed to the Texas State Aquarium. It was on the pricy side ($14.95 + parking), but it was cool because I got to touch the Sting Rays. There were about 10 Sting Rays in the touching pool and there weren’t many people on the weekday, so sat there and played with them for quite a while. They are so soft and cool feeling. Then I saw the staff head to the turtle tank, so I followed them and found it was feeding time. They had 5 large turtles in the tank and fed them all… it was cool to watch and hear them tell us about the turtles. Apparently they try to get these turtles back in the wild, but some of them have a fin missing or something along that lines so they will never be able to go back into the wild. They also told us about how turtles eat just about anything and that’s why throwing plastic into the ocean is dangerous, because the turtles think they are jelly fish and try to eat them causing all kinds of problems with their digestive systems and what not. I also saw an alligator, otter, eagle and other cool fishy things such as jelly fish, piranha, and spiders. It was a fun way to waste the afternoon.

The Sting Rays I got to touch

The turtles were so beautiful

And Suprisingly Friendly

Feeding the turtles Squid with fish and vitamins in the inside

Sea Otter


Bird (I dont like birds)

I then drove the 2 hours back to San Antonio catching a little bit of traffic, nothing too bad and for 5:30 it was expected that I would run into a little down town. Jackie and Alan decided they wanted to hang with some peeps at a local place that does games, pizza, some cookie thing Jackie was drooling over…. But after walking 2 blocks to get there we found out it was closed. James, Alan’s friend, decided to take us to an English Pub instead. I always love going to pubs!! I’m a puber. It was a nice place with a lot of character and a good customer flow. They had a good selection of beer and I had some decent Calamari before stuffing myself with Irish Beef Stew, Mashed Potatoes and Mixed Veggies. The debate between the VPs were going on so we asked if we could get some subtitles and from then on Politics ruled our table. We should have been Harvard Grad Students seeking political futures with the conversations that were going on…. It was good times.

Beef Stew, Potatoes and Mixed Veggies

We came back to Jackie and Alan’s Apartment to play some games, but the men were distracted by computers so we all just basically hung around. Jackie and I laid in bed chatting the night away until Alan’s alarm went off at 4am and we realized it was time for bed.

I love Jackie!


FunkyChicken said...

I now have a craving for mashed potatoes!!

The aquarium looks cool.

I saw on TV the other day how a turtle ate a plastic bag and they had to get it out. Stupid people littering the oceans!!

Sightseeing is expensive in the USA!! Maybe in all countries huh?!

Miss you!!

Monica Jo said...

I miss you too!!