Saturday, October 4, 2008

Across Country Trip: Day 10

Day 10

After going to bed at 4am, Jackie and I slept in until almost midnight. We decided to get going and figure out what to do as we go. The plan was to go for crepes, but decided to have Thai food instead. I had Thai Chicken Fried Rice, Fried Egg rolls and Soup. It was sooo good!!!! Then we decided to head to the Zoo. The Zoo was cute and it was fun to walk around and get even more quality time with my friend Jackie (AKA My Wifey ). We saw all kinds of Animals from snakes to flamingos to bears to lemurs to feline animals. We spent most of our time with the reptiles.

At the Thai place chowing down on some fried egg rolls

Fluffy butted and regular flamingos


Leopard... pretty kitty

I'm trying to be a fish

After that we did some shopping at target and then got freshened up and headed out to "First Fridays" in down town San Antonio. It was really cool!! Tons of people had booths on the street, many art galleries were opened to the public, there were bands, and restaurants were full of people!!! We stopped at "Blue Star" and ate some delicious nachos and each had a "Golden beer" and then went walking all around town. We saw so many cool art pieces and some unique characters. For a big city, "First Fridays" had a hometown feel and I loved that about it. We stopped into a cool glass blown art gallery and I found some beautiful butterflies that go on the wall and had to have them. The big piece I wanted was $166-no way I could afford that, but then we saw a three piece set that I actually liked better for $22 and I had to have them! Jackie tried on a red, black and gold hat that was hot, so I made her buy it and I think it was a great buy! Its hard to find hats that fit a person just right and this hat fit her just right!

Posing for the Camera

Yummy Nachos!

Me and Jackie ... yay for college friends

Jax's new hot hat.... check out that hottie!

We headed home around 11:30 and hung around before heading to bed! It was a great day in Texas!

1 comment:

Bri said...

Hey Jackie looks totally familiar!