Saturday, October 4, 2008

Across Country Trip: Day 7

Day 7

The plan was to spend the day and night in Dallas. I drove there and went to the 6th Story Museum about JFK and his murder (fairly expensive at $13.50 per person). I learned a lot about JFK, his murder and the conspiracies. However after I spent over an hour in the museum and checking the GPS system for more things to do so I decided that there wasn’t much else I was interested in seeing in Dallas by myself. So, I got in the car and drove south. My first thought was that I would just drive as close to Corpus Christi as I could drive and then get a hotel and wake up the next morning to head out the rest of the way. Then I saw a sign for San Antonio and decided to call Jackie and see what she was up to for the night. She was so excited that I was coming early and couldn’t wait for me to arrive.

Pictures of the Dallas Speedway (taken for my dad)

More Speedway action

All I took that day were speedway pictures

So I drove to San Antonio and was so excited that when I got off the I37 I called to tell her I was close only to find out I was still 10 miles away! It was so great to hug her and see her for the first time in 5 years! Its hard to believe that we haven’t lived together for that long! She was an 18 year old little sister that I loved living with. We compliment eachother so well and I have dearly missed her presence in my life. It was also great to see Alan again (he visited us in Hawaii one summer)! We enjoyed eating some dinner at Bennegains and catching up on our usual pointless but meaningful chit chat.

That night Jackie showed me all of her wonderful fashion designs she has been working on. She is so creative and its such a positive outlet that she feels passionate about. Then we laid down for bed and laughed about silly girl things until we fell asleep.

YAY for old but good friends.

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