Saturday, October 25, 2008

Across Country Trip: Day 17

Day 17: Shannon and Manny's Wedding Rehearsal

We spent most of the day relaxing and resting up for the busy next week. There was the wedding, cruise and Disney world to tackle still.
Rehearsal dinner was at the Boardwalk across the lake from where the wedding was being held. We arrived early and ate a good meal (I had great hummus). Then we walked over to the gazebo place that the wedding was being held and it was a beautiful place! I wasn't in the wedding nor really needed but I helped out and took lots of pictures for them and hung out with my other brother-in-law.

The Groom and Bride to be (my soon to be brother-in-law and step-sister)
The Gazebo that the wedding will be in


After the rehearsal it started to pour rain (the only really heavy rain we had really) so they decided to have our rehearsal desert inside the American building at Epcot. So we all walked in ponchos over to the building. I didn't make the best shoe choice and my feet were hurting so badly I walked barefoot most of the way (and I HATE to be barefoot and walk on the dirty ground so you know my feet REALLY were in pain). The desert party was great! The little cute pastries were delicious and I had some good hot tea. Everyone sat around and chatted and laughed until it was time for the main event.

Delicious Deserts

The main event of the night was a private seating area to see the fireworks show at Epcot! I love fireworks and was so excited to see them! The show opened with a globe that lit up, then the globe rotated, then it was like a TV where it showed different African animals and places around the world and then lastly it opened up and fireworks exploded out of it! It was amazing and beautiful!!! I loved the fire works show and more so I loved that we had our own little area where people weren't pushing and shoving their ways in front of us!
Jeanne (my step-mom) and I can't wait for the fireworks

YAY for Fireworks!

They are so beautiful

It was a beautiful night and Shannon and Manny seemed so happy! It was wedding perfect.

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