Monday, October 27, 2008

Across Country Trip: Days 23 & 24

Days 23 & 24
After we got back from the cruise there were a few days that before everyone left that we decided to explore the Disney World Parks. Disney World has a lot of parks 1) Magic Kingdom (same as Disneyland) 2) Epcot 3) Animal Kingdom 4) Hollywood Studios. We had two days and therefore we had to pick two parks to go to. The rest of the family went to Magic Kingdom the first day, but Jessica and I were a little Disney-ed out because we had been to the Disneyland in California and the one in Tokyo recently; so we decided to check out Hollywood studios.

Hollywood studios is full of live shows and how things work behind the scenes. The biggest attractions there are 1) The Live Stunt Show 2) Aerosmiths Rocking Roller coaster and 3) Hollywood Tower of Terror. All three were really good in my opinion. We did most things at the park that we wanted to do with the exception of the Toy Story ride that I wanted to go on. We even did the roller coaster twice! The night show Fantasmic was really good!!! It was like Fantasia with water, fire, fireworks and of course Micky Mouse!

Me and Jessica at Hollywood Studios

Jessica the park navigator

3D Glasses: all the rage

I found a refreshing bottle of Coke

Hollywood Tower of Terror

The Car Stunt Show

The second day the whole family went to Epcot. The older folks wanted to be finished at the park by 1:00 and therefore we spent the morning doing only the most popular attractions 1) Soaring 2)Race Track and 3) I forgot the name but the one that goes through the ages in the Epcot ball thingy. At lunch time we headed to the side of Epcot that is full of different countries: China, Japan, Germany, South Africa, Italy.... Each country area has foods from the region, shopping stores and things from the area. We all tried different foods like fish and chips from England, German Beer, Seafood from San Fransisco.... It was fun trying the different things from different areas of the world.

Me and Jessica at Epcot

Universe of Energy ride at Epcot

The family left after that and Jessica and I went and caught a few more of the attractions: Journey into Space and the Ellen DeGeneres Show.

We even got back in plenty of time to pack, go to dinner and go swimming before bed!

Disney world was a lot of fun! I hope that I can go back and hit the other parks and even re-visit Hollywood Studios and Epcot. Its expensive, but a lot of fun for the whole family!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looked like sooooo much fun!!!!!