Saturday, October 25, 2008

Across Country Trip: Day 13

Day 13
I woke up early and left when Jackie and Al headed off to work. I drove for 8 hours to New Orleans Louisiana. It was my first time to Louisiana. New Orleans was crazy!! Its a lot bigger than I imagined. There are poorer areas that have had a lot of weather damage and other areas that are very nice and expensive. After hearing all kinds of horror stories about New Orleans I decided to stay in the tourist area which is anything less than expensive. I stayed in the French District which is where most of the tourist places are. It was a week day, but it was the same day the Saints were playing in town so there were sports fans everywhere and all kinds of places had specials for the football game. I went out for dinner and had some great seafood gumbo and a few drinks. It was early and I was excited to be in such a famous city so I headed out for some drinks. I found a pub (I'm a pub-er) and sat down to watch the game and have a beer.

Entering Louisiana

Pretty park in New Orleans

Destruction still exists


More city streets

I walked into this pizza/pub place and watched the football game. I chit chatted with the cute tall bald bartender until this chick came in. She was so high! Really high! She was in need of help... she ate some pizza and had some water and seemed a little better after a while. She called me "A Ray of Sunshine" and "Sparkly" (I think she might have been hitting on me) before she asked to kiss me. LOL.. I let her kiss my cheek before she left and hoped that she would be alright. The bartender was pretty cute and friendly and we seemed to be hitting it off, however I wasn't into a one night stand kind of thing so when he told me he got off work at midnight I decided that was my exit cue and headed back to the hotel by myself and had a good nights sleep. However I must admit that night really helped my ego!

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