Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Pre-departure: September 23, 2008

I think I'm finally almost ready to leave. I have one last load of laundry to do.

I don't think I realized until today how much stuff I have. Buried in my moms garage are so many boxes I could fill an entire room with them! AHHHHHH!! Well I cut it down to a car full of stuff and two boxes to send (with winter clothes and kitchen things). Eventually I'm going to have to go through the garage and sort my stuff ... one day.

I have a GPS unit, maps galore, print outs of things to do in each city, car chargers for cell phone and ear piece, first aid kit, drinks and food, tissues... you name it I'm planned for it!

Tomorrow morning I will pick up the rental car at 8am. Load the car up. Go to breakfast with Jennifer, Phil, Katya and my mom and then hit the road around 10am. Hopefully I will be at the Grand Canyon by dinner time where I plan on getting a hotel room and going to bed early in hopes of waking up early enough to watch the sun rise over the grand canyon the next day.

I will try to keep a journal or blog every night of my trip and let you know whats going on or post them all when I get the chance. If you know my cell phone number call and keep me company!!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

So organised! Like my mum and dad used to be when we were travelling around Australia!

It pays to be organised when it's a huge country and there's no convenience store / petrol station every 5 kms!