Saturday, September 27, 2008

Across Country Trip: Day 3

Day 3

I woke up a little later today and took my time getting ready and packing up the car. I had my first chance to get online and I did my blog posting and checked email before heading out for the day.

After talking to the front desk receptionist and her telling me that not much was open that was worth seeing in Albuquerque, I decided to head out for Texas. I had a long 8 hour drive ahead of me.

The road to Texas was dull. There wasn't much to see and lots of desert like areas. Texas was very country. It was exactly the way I imagined Texas to look like. Farms, cows, windmills...... green, trucks..... I just stopped for gas, not much else.

Road leaving New Mexico going into Texas

Gift Atsuko got me from China is my lucky charm in the car

Windmill in Texas on the side of the road

I made record time and arrived and checked into a hotel (with Nate's help) before 8pm. I then picked up Nate and we went and saw Eagle Eye. It was good movie, I think my hopes were too high. I didn't like the concept of the movie, but enjoyed the action and Shya Leabouf. The movie here was only $8.00 (a lot cheaper than $10 in Cali and 17yen in Japan). Then it was off to Sonic for a quick bite and some catching up. We ate and talked while the loud noised cars raced by full of punks trying to be bad asses. That always seems to happen in military towns.

Days Inn is a nice hotel. I highly reccomend it. The quality is very nice and it came with fridge, microwave, big screen, two queens.... all for $72 per night!

Now its currently 2am Texas time, but I'm on California time so I will be heading to bed shortly and tired in the morning. The plan is to check out Oklahoma City with Nate.

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

USA and Australian scenery seems a little similar!!

Eagle Eye is not out here yet!! But I will go and see it when it is.

What kind of car are you driving? How much is it costing for a month?!