Thursday, September 11, 2008

A night in San Francisco

My sister Jessica's friend, Andrea, turned 26 this month (happy birthday to her) and so they decided to go to "The City" (AKA San Francisco) for a night. Everyone wanted to get in on the party action and drink, therefore, no one wanted to drive. Since I'm the outsider I volunteered to be the DD. The only problem was that there were 6 people, but only 5 spaces in the car. So I called up our cousin June and asked if we could take her Suburban that seats 7. She said it was ok. So we all got dolled up and headed to mexcian food before heading to the city. When we got there we were in for a surprise.....

On the street that the bar was on there was half of the San Francisco police department and three blocks worth of street blocked off with yellow police tape. The police officers and investigators were swarming every where as if we were watch CSI in the flesh. The bar sat in the middle of the taped off area and we wondered and questioned what happened. As soon as we heard about shooting and people dieing we got out of that neighborhood as soon as we could.

The rest of the night we went and partied it up. Andrea drank her fair share of liquor and we all laughed and took a lot of picture. Besides my sister, but I wont get into that.

The next day I watched the news for a glimpse of what had happened. Apparently about 1 hour before we arrived 2 people were shot and killed. For 2 weeks there had been motor cycle wars going on and a total of 6 people had died.

Why must people kill each other?? What is so important that the only way to solve the problem is to kill another human being?? What is this world coming to?? We must watch our backs. We live in fear to help others in case they are rapists or murderers. Life has become about fear instead of about life. Its sad and a pity.

The birthday girl, Andrea, and I

Me, Andrea, Sarah and My sister, Jessica.

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