Monday, September 1, 2008

Sunday in Fremont

Today my sister and I woke up to get ready and make sandwiches for a picnic with our cousins. I always try to find cheap, inventive ways to hang out with those I care about. Now a days too many people go to the movies or do things that don't allow them to actually talk or bond and I find that to be sad. So when I called my cousins I suggested going to the park for a picnic. This is the perfect time to be outside with the warm sun and cool shade with light breezes. My cousins just had a little boy named Mason about a year ago and he is the cutest thing ever!! He is a handsome boy. I ran out of battery so couldn't take pictures but here are a few I stole from his parents myspace.

We all had a good time at the park eating sandwiches, talking about everything from jobs to politics and laughing at Mason trying to run away from his mom. It couldn't have been a more perfect outing.

After we got back from the park Jessica went to work and I helped my step-mother Jeanne in the yard. They have a beautiful back yard that Jeanne works hard on maintaining. I have to give her credit, I cant even keep herbs alive!!

Then we went to dinner with Grams, Gramps, Matt and Becky and had a good time chit chatting about all kinds of things from jobs to cultural difference. I always love to see family that I haven't seen in a while and its easier when its a few at a time instead of them all at once!

All in all it was a really great Sunday! I'm very blessed. I hope you all had a great weekend too!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

Awww, I like the movies...because I don't have to talk to people! Ha ha!

Mason looks very cute...but with a devilish glint in his eye in the last photo!!