Monday, September 29, 2008

Across Country Trip: Day 5

Day 5

Nate and I had such a good time we decided that we would go exploring Dallas today.

After such an exciting day yesterday, it was very difficult to wake up this morning. After getting some more gas (it took just over half a tan of gas to get to and from Oklahoma City), we headed out to explore South of Wichita Falls.

Dallas City, Texas

After 2 hours of driving, we arrived in Dallas and decided to grab some lunch then go to the JFK Memorial. We ate at a Mexican style restaurant and had some great Margaritas along with Nachos and Quesidillas. We went to the Holocaust Museum next and walked around there. It was not worth the $6 entrance fee with head set tour. It was nothing compared to the one in California, but it was still touching to hear peoples stories. Then we headed to the JFK memorial and saw the "X" that marks the spot he was shot and died. It was pretty cool. Then we walked around down town. We decided that the Museums were too expensive and the Aquarium was $18 per person to go into, so we decided to stop and have a drink and decide what we wanted to do next. The bartender Patrick at the Cadillac Grill recommended we head to the Texas State Fair.

Incredible Margarita

Nachos that were yummy

These were so yummy

JFK Memorial Park

X Marks the spot JFK was shot

The Texas State Fair was huge!! The parking and entrance was expensive ($10 for parking and $14 per person for entrance), but it was fun walking around and seeing all the fried foods they have. They had fried Cheese cake, Twinkies, Snow Balls, Snickers, Oreos.... you name it!! They had country music, an Arts and Crafts area, Car Show and kids game and attractions area.

Everything is bigger in Texas...even the cowboys

Texas State Fair

Pig Race at the Fair

I really wanted to win a big stuffed banana, but between Nate and I we were unable to do so, so we decided that trying Fried Oreos would help heal our sorrows. THEY WERE FANTASTICALLY YUMMY!!!!

Fried Oreos..... suprisingly yummy!

The drive back was long and we were tired. Now I'm just waiting for my laundry to finish so I can go to bed and have a lazy day tomorrow.


motownjunkie said...

OMG mexican food... miss it.
State fairs... miss it.
Fried Oreos... ehhh I can do without. Never was a fan of oreos.

Sounds like you're having a blast on your road trip!!! Props for keepin up with updating =)

FunkyChicken said...

A state fair sounds like so much fun!!!

Fried foods sound like my kind of thing though!!

Did you buy a cowgirl hat?

Sandra Appling said...

Now I'm really jealous! You went to the fair!! Fairs are like my favorite thing...ever!!

Monica Jo said...

the fair was great!! ya'll should try to catch the Texas state fair at some point in life!