Monday, September 1, 2008

Road Trip

My sister and drove from my mothers house in Redlands, California to Coarsegold, California last Wednesday. We left around 7:30am and arrived around 12:30pm.

My mothers long time friend whom we call Auntie K lives in Coarsegold. Coarsegold is about 1/2 way between where our mother and father left and when I was younger in high school my best friend and I used to stop at her house for a day or two during our trip up north to visit my dad and his family. We always loved going to her house because she is so liberal and non-judgemental and just a fun individual. She is the Aunt everyone wishes for. They live in the middle of no where and have a pool and many animals that we all love playing with. Speaking of playing, my favorite memories with Auntie K and Rod are playing games. Its traditional to play cards, dice, dominoes... etc in the after noons or after dinner. Its always just a relaxing good time filled with great conversation and people.

We stayed at Auntie K and Rods house for a day and a half before deciding that we would leave at night to head back to Dads house. We left after having a great steak dinner, with fresh corn on the cob and salad, at 9pm. We dove the whole way going about 75 and arrived in Fremont, California around mid night.

I have always loved car rides. My parents say that when they couldn't get me to sleep when I was a baby all they needed to do was drive around in the car and I would pass out. I have always had a good vibe with cars and road trips. It was nice to drive on the high way going fast enough to pass slow cars, but not too fast where we could get pulled over. Cruising on the high way with the windows down and the radio blasting as my sister and I sing to the radio at the top of our lungs is the best feeling in the world. It feels adventurous and comfortable. I real bonding moment between sisters.