Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Accross country plan

At first glance at the maps and internet I have decided that this will be my route to Florida and then to DC.

California to Grand Canyon Arizona
6 hours 45 minutes travel time
September 24th

Grand Canyon Arizona to Albuquerque New Mexico
6 hours travel time
Septmeber 25th

Albuquerque New Mexico to Wichita Falls Texas

Visiting Nate during his Air Force training for 2 days
7 hours 53 minutes travel time
September 26th

Wichita Falls Texas to San Antonio Texas

Visiting Jax, my old roommate and sisiter and Alan like promised for years for a week or so
6 hours 6 minutes travel time
September 28thth

San Antonio Texas to Chorpus Christi Texas
2 hours 10 minutes Travel time

Go one day to visit my step-brother while I am staying in San Antonio

San Antonio Texas to New Orleans Louisiana
8 hours 20 minutes travel time
October 5th

New Orleans Louisiana to Mobile Alabama
2 hours 13 minutes travel time
October 6th

Mobile Alabama to Panama City Florida
3 hours 16 minutes travel time
October 7th

Panama City Florida to Orlando Florida
5 hours 45 minutes travel time
October 8th

Step sisters birthday dinner October 9th
Step sisters rehersal dinner for wedding October 10th
Step sisters wedding October 11th
Her Honeymoon with the family 12-16th
Disney world fun 17-19th

Orlando Florida to Atlanta Georgia
6 hours 45 minutes travel time
October 20th

Atlanta Georgia to Cincinnati Ohio
7 hours and 6 minutes travel time
October 21st

Cincinnati Ohio to Pittsburgh Penn
4 hours 40 minutes travel time

October 22nd

Pittsburgh Penn to Washington DC
4 hours 15 minutes travel time
October 23rd

Start looking for a job and get settled in and be happy to be in one place!


FunkyChicken said...

I guess that last section is meant to say October?

Man, a whole month of travelling!! Sounds kinda fun but tiring I guess!

Are you renting a car or do you have a family car you can use?

Are you going by yourself? Be careful!! I've watched the movies, I know what happens to single girls out on the lonely American highways....

Anonymous said...

haha, monique! I wouldn't count on New Orleans being around just yet Monica!! Hurricane Gustav is on it's way!! <3 I'm so glad you're going to New Orleans! I wish I could go with you!!

Monica Jo said...

yeah the hurricane might change all my plans... i will have to see after it has passed