Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Interviewing, interviewing, interviewing

I have had 3 job interviews in the past week. One in Redlands, one in San Diego and one in Rancho Cucamonga.

The one in Redlands was my first. It was for Tri-Universal. They immediately asked me to come in for a job Shadow and then asked me to go in for a third interview, but I declined because it was my first interview and I had two others the same day at the third interview for Tri-Universal. I wasn't too impressed. They wanted me to do Sales my first few months at Home Depot and I wasn't thrilled with that. But the salary was fantastic so it was very difficult to turn it down but I did.

The second was in San Diego for another marketing company called HL International. They were much bigger than the one in Redlands and had many more clients! However there were many people in and out of the office and I felt like it was hard to stand out in such a big crowd. All of the people were around my age and seemed fake. They did call me that night and asked me to come in for a second interview, but I turned them down.

The third was in Rancho Cucamonga for Marketing Alliance. This company was much more professional. The office staff was kind and knew what they were doing. The office was not over crowded with people running in and out. The man hiring was professional and took the time to answer all my questions and didn't make me feel like I was being pushed through the interview process. I liked them a lot and when they called me in for a second interview I accepted. However after thinking about it all night and feeling stress over getting things packed before my trip to northern California and thinking about how I really want to relocate to DC and not stay in Southern California, I decided to call and decline.

So I interviewed at three marketing companies and now know that if I choose to, that I am an individual that marketing firms want. So maybe when I get to DC I will look into working for a marketing firm. Good side is that I have had some good practice with interviewing! YAY!


FunkyChicken said...

Yaay! It's good news that you can get a job offer at least!

Can you apply for jobs in DC from Cali?

What was your degree in? Marketing?

Monica Jo said...

My degree was in public relations, but we had to take many classes like marketing, public speaking, interpersonal and international like that. I have too many options