Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mizu Matsuri

On August 2nd I went to the Mizumatsuri which is famous for their fireworks. Everyone comes and sits on the lawn and stairs in the afternoon and eat and drink from all the shops that line up. There is Yakisoba, Yakitori, beer, shaved ice and many other kinds of booths. Everyone dresses up in summer kimonos and stop to say hello to friends and acquaintances. Its a wonderful festival! So of course I went and dragged my friends along with me.

My friend Naoko who lived in LA for a few years

Daisuke didn't want to take a picture

Yusei kun and his younger brother

Mihana, Susuha and Riko

Our spot on the grass. JD, Heather and Maggy

Heather, JD and Wilfred (the new teacher who is replacing me)

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