Sunday, August 17, 2008

Last days in Japan

The last few days in Japan is kind of a blur. There were many good-bye parties and lots of crying. It was especially hard to leave my 7 year old student who happens to also be my bosses daughter and best friend. She was so cute and kept writing me letters good-bye. I will miss her dearly.

I was pretty good the day I left until good-byes started. I woke up late, so I really wasn't my self when Takako came bye and left. But cried a bit when Tomohide and his family came out as well as my neighbor. It wasn't until Yoshi hugged me in front of my train and cried while he whispered into my ear "thank you for 3 great years" and then Chikako hugged me... I just started crying like no tomorrow.

The shinkansen to Tokyo was hard. I just kept thinking about how this was my last train ride while I lived there and kept thinking about all the things and people I would miss from the bottom of my heart.

It was one of the most difficult days of my life. Right up there with my best friends mom's funeral when I was 18 years old.

But then again, as many people often remind me, I have many things to be thankful for and I learned so much. I wouldn't have changed it any other way.

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