Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back in Cali

Well I remember why I didn't want to move back to Cali. I knew that there were reasons, I just had forgotten most of them. I was reminded my first few days back: smog, weather, price of living, rude people..... etc.

It is nice to spend time with my family, but also incredibly difficult. We don't see eye to eye on many things and we all take things so personally, in the end we end up arguing about stupid stuff that really doesn't matter on the scale of life.

It has been nice catching up with a few of my longest and closest friends. Phil and Katya are pregnant and Phil is looking for a new job and even considering relocation. Nate is getting ready to do some Air Force Reserves training in Texas for 3 months. Sandi is job hunting, but in the mean time spending a few weeks watching her siblings and hanging out with us while her mother is in Hawaii with the new granddaughter Lily. And here I am.

I have been keeping myself busy. I painted my mothers new guest bed room and made her order a trundle bed and new carpet. The painting took a while, but looks great! All I have left to do is the closet and bathroom. She also turned my old room into a game room complete with a billiard table. I have been shopping and doing small projects. One of which included helping Katya throw a birthday party for Phil (pictures and details to come).

I haven't ran into any old high school students that I dislike. Actually I haven't really ran into many high school friends at all and that's the way I like it. I hope it stays that way.

I do, however, find myself fascinated by people and the things they do. Americans are so different; in good and bad ways.

Its just nice to be back for a short period of time. I hope you all are enjoying your summers. Don't be strangers and blog often!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

<3 I miss you! Life doesn't sound too bad thus far Mon! =]