Sunday, August 24, 2008



Well I have been pretty busy doing nothing special.

I have been spending a lot of time catching up with old high school friends. Hung out at Jennifer Poe's house and talked for 4 hours about life. She shattered her ankle bone, so we just hung out at her place.

I spent last Wednesday and Thursday with my sister and mother in San Diego. We drove down and went to the San Diego Zoo and Sea World. We had a lot of fun looking and laughing at the cute animals. We even saw a 1 day old baby giraffe! Oh and Shamu!!! However, it was really hot and we were cranky.

When I got back from San Diego I had 3 business emailing me for job interviews around southern California. The first interview I went to was here in Redlands and it was for TriUniversal Marketing company. They called me in the next day for a job shadow and have now offered me a job. But I would have to start from the bottom up with sales. I'm not too interested in Sales, but they are wanting to train and move people up to management within a year. After being in management for over a year the salary is between 50k-80k a year. Not so interested in the job, but am interested in the salary. I keep thinking about how I could stay just for a few years and then switch to what I want to do, but I'm thinking of declining it because I don't like sales. I still have a day to think about it before I call and tell them yes or no.

Today I have been busy preparing for a BBQ I'm hosting at my house for all my friends and their families. We are having an old fashioned BBQ! It should be fun!!

This coming Wednesday my sister Jessica and I will be driving to Northern California. We will be staying at my Aunties house before we head to my dads. I will stay there for about a week before heading back here to So Cali and then I will decide what my plans will be for the rest of the summer and fall.

I hope all my avid readers are having a good summer. I have been reading your blogs and keeping myself as up to date as I can be.

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

Hey Mojo!

Sounds like a nice time! I mean, you ladies may have been cranky but I'm sure it was still fun to hang out with your mum and sister!

Congrats about the job offer!! Even if you don't take it, at least you know that people WANT YOU!!! Getting a job offer is such a good feeling!

The BBQ sounds fun! If only they happened here....

Have a good time with your Aunty!