Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween in DC

Halloween! My favorite holiday of the year! But.... to be honest I wasn't really in the mood this year and wasn't planning on doing much.

Ger's friend Priti had a costume party at her apartment and we were invited so I had to think of something quick. After walking around the costume store and finding out that costumes are really expensive, I bought some black angel wings and decided I would do something with those. I ended up deciding to be a fallen angel.

I spent the day making cupcakes, cleaning, running errands and getting ready. My hair ended up looking really cool! I decided to put a boa in my hair and look a little evil ish. This is what it came out looking like.

Then I did pale evil make up and dressed in black. It wasn't the best costume, but it was cheap.

Ger went as Zorro and looked awesome! People couldn't even tell who it was!

Unfortunately, Dave and I drank a little too much punch at Priti's house. After Priti's party we went to a Hmong party and danced and drank some more. The costumes were great. There were a lot of costumes from batman and everyone seemed to be having a good time!

All in all it was a fun night, just wished I wouldn't have drank so much punch.


Bri said...

haha I sucked and went as a mom!

FunkyChicken said...

I'm sure you didn't do anything too crazy....

Or did you?!!

I didn't drink at all.

I like your sexy slit skirt and your glittery hair!!

tj said...

sexy costume! very creative :)