Friday, November 14, 2008

My life as I know it

Job hunting = Stress and frustration

I have never really had a problem finding a job. I have always walked in from one job to the next with no problems. I WAS SPOILED!

I have been in DC for 3 weeks or so and still haven't found anything just right. I spend at least 2 hours a day Internet searching, emailing, going into businesses, applying, calling and interviewing. And still nothing! I'm not being picky either! I was offered one position as a door to door sales rep, but that really didn't entice me.

What have I learned during this job hunting: 1) to do Event Planning people want you to have experience 2)Event planning is being the first thing cut so no one is hiring 3) its hard to convince people that you can do something besides teaching when you have been teaching for over 3 years 4) I hate job hunting.

So I have been heading in the direction of Nannying until the new year. Then in January I can get back into the applying and interviewing. But for now Nannying will pay enough for the holidays.

I do love DC! Its a city full of neighborhoods. Its almost as if you are getting both the city and the town like life at the same time and I love that! Its full of Museums, Parks, Events, Festivals, and Happy Hours. Whats not to love!

So I have just been trying to learn the city and look for a job so that I can get settled into the city and in the beginning of the year find my own place. I just hope it all starts coming together sooner rather than later.

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