Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yes we can

The next president of the United States will be Obama.

Wow that's a lot to take in.

I'm not the most political person, however I have learned that DCers are.

Having grown up in a city that is primarily republican, but a state that is primarily democrat; you can imagine that I am pretty confused when it comes to politics. I love politics, on the smaller scale. I have no clue about larger scale politics. Not to mention that I have been out of the country the past 3 years.

So it was a bit of a culture shock when I moved to DC and found out how politically minded everyone is, but reflecting back I shouldn't have been so shocked. I went with Ger to her friends house for an election party and was surprised at not only how politically minded they are but also how opinionated they are when it comes to politics. It was very interesting to listen to them all sit around a talk politics and I realized that I need to get with the program.

I am not an Obama nor a McCain fan. However I like Biden and HATE Palin. So when Obama won I really could have cared less. HOWEVER, the idea that I was alive and old enough to appreciate the historical significance of the night was amazing to think about. Its going to be a night and a speech that will go down in history books and I was not only a part of that night in some small way, but I also lived in the Capital of our country at that time. This will open all kinds of possibilities political for our country and although I'm not 100% pro-Obama...even I can appreciate the changes that are about to take place.

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