Sunday, November 23, 2008

Madison... NOT

The Madison's

Oh my.... where to start.

Lesley asked if I would go to her to an event to become a Madison. I had no idea what a Madison was, but I'm down to go with someone to something for support. So I went there thinking it would be a good experience, maybe I will meet some people I can network with and that I was there to support Lesley.

We walked into a meeting that we were not supposed to be at and all I saw were tall, thin, blond haired, blue eyed young women between 23-29. Found out that it was the members meeting that we had walked into and that the other meeting was starting after. It was a wine "get to know you" event. The members had their names in Red and the girls trying to become members (pledges) are in black and they are all walking around with wine and cheese talking to each other about brand names, jobs, and name dropping. I found myself smiling and chit chatting while thinking I cant wait to get out of there. There was no way I wanted to associate myself with them and I felt that with each person I speak to I am being more and more judged by people I could care less about.

I had just walked into a sorority for 20something year old women who need that kind of cool kid acceptance. The future first wives club, desperate house wives and Stepford wives.... gag.

I was so relieved when Lesley said she was good to leave. I have never walked out a of a place wanting to mock and laugh at people before. It was ridiculous.

I was glad I went, now I know who the Madison's are and know that I don't want anything to do with them. What judgemental people.... why would others compete to join such an organization??

I'm baffled.

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