Sunday, November 16, 2008


My wonderful friend Ger.

I have had many friends and many different kinds and levels of friends in my life.

Its ones like Ger that really make me think how lucky I am.

I moved to DC with no job, no real connections; just a few bags and things. And Ger took me in. Gave me a bed. Made space in her closet and fridge for me. She did this for me asking for nothing in return. Not even a penny for rent. She looked up job opportunities, bought me drinks for happy hour, invited me to events and parties. She brings me home surprises like cupcakes, cooks food, and even bought me the most wonderful watch. She has done so much for me. I cant even express how grateful I am to have such an incredibly kind and wonderful friend.

I just hope some day I can do the same for her. I hope she knows and realized how much I appreciate and love her as such a wonderful friend. Thank you Ger.


Bri said...

wow, sounds like a great friend!

Bri said...

ps when are you going down to earlenes again? I'll go with you!

Monica Jo said...

I will have to let you know, I now work on the weekends, but maybe we can meet up with her one sunday afternoon or evening.