Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Across Country Trip: Day 6

Day 6

Today was my lazy day.

I didn't do much. I did my laundry and hung around the hotel all morning. Around lunch time I got ready and went to lunch at "Cheddars". It was a good restaurants. I had the Talapia Fish, cheese broccoli and potatoes and everything was good, as well as, the strawberry lemonade.

Then I wandered around the city and went shopping at Ross and Walmart and bought a few things before heading back to the hotel to watch TV and hang out. I didn't do much, but got caught up on some much needed rest.

At 7:30pm I decided it was time to go out for dinner. Didn't know where to go, so I went to Texas Roadhouse and had a salad and a few drinks. Watch out for the Texas Tea.... its full of alcohol. Want to let you all know that Monday and Tuesday have $1 beers and $1 margaritas (warning: their margaritas aren't very good).

Then I came home and now I'm blogging. YAY for Lazy day!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Across Country Trip: Day 5

Day 5

Nate and I had such a good time we decided that we would go exploring Dallas today.

After such an exciting day yesterday, it was very difficult to wake up this morning. After getting some more gas (it took just over half a tan of gas to get to and from Oklahoma City), we headed out to explore South of Wichita Falls.

Dallas City, Texas

After 2 hours of driving, we arrived in Dallas and decided to grab some lunch then go to the JFK Memorial. We ate at a Mexican style restaurant and had some great Margaritas along with Nachos and Quesidillas. We went to the Holocaust Museum next and walked around there. It was not worth the $6 entrance fee with head set tour. It was nothing compared to the one in California, but it was still touching to hear peoples stories. Then we headed to the JFK memorial and saw the "X" that marks the spot he was shot and died. It was pretty cool. Then we walked around down town. We decided that the Museums were too expensive and the Aquarium was $18 per person to go into, so we decided to stop and have a drink and decide what we wanted to do next. The bartender Patrick at the Cadillac Grill recommended we head to the Texas State Fair.

Incredible Margarita

Nachos that were yummy

These were so yummy

JFK Memorial Park

X Marks the spot JFK was shot

The Texas State Fair was huge!! The parking and entrance was expensive ($10 for parking and $14 per person for entrance), but it was fun walking around and seeing all the fried foods they have. They had fried Cheese cake, Twinkies, Snow Balls, Snickers, Oreos.... you name it!! They had country music, an Arts and Crafts area, Car Show and kids game and attractions area.

Everything is bigger in Texas...even the cowboys

Texas State Fair

Pig Race at the Fair

I really wanted to win a big stuffed banana, but between Nate and I we were unable to do so, so we decided that trying Fried Oreos would help heal our sorrows. THEY WERE FANTASTICALLY YUMMY!!!!

Fried Oreos..... suprisingly yummy!

The drive back was long and we were tired. Now I'm just waiting for my laundry to finish so I can go to bed and have a lazy day tomorrow.

Across Country Trip: Day 4

Day 4

Driving across times zones is strange. I have always flown so it hits fast. You are all time screwed up. But Driving. Driving, is different. You don't really realize that you have passed the time zones and your body doesn't really recognize it. I couldn't sleep the night before and then had a really really difficult time waking up this morning. It didn't hit me until later that it was due to the fact that I was now 2 hours ahead of California time... making me awake at night and tired in the morning.

Nate and I met up around 10:30am filled the car tank with gas on base and headed for Oklahoma. The border is only about 20 minutes or so from Wichita Falls. There wasn't much out there, but it was beautiful. There were miles and miles of green country side with the random farm here and there.

We pulled over on the side of the highway to take pictures and walk around in the middle of the road. That's right, the highway was so dead that we were able to pull over and walk around for 5 or 10 minutes with not one single car going by. We even found a CD on the side of the road- it ended up being a bad rap CD.

View from where we stopped on the side of the road in Oklahoma

Then we drove though a city called Cement. Yes, Cement, Oklahoma. Well.... it was as exciting as watching cement dry. But it was nice to stop and take a few pictures.

The proud city of Cement

It was getting closer to lunch time and we decided to stop along the highway and look for something native to Oklahoma (AKA some country cooking). We ended up at the Cracker Barrel right outside Oklahoma city off Cornell St. It was one of the best experiences of my life. Not only was it a cute shop with old style rocking chairs outside on the porch, but it had a restaurant full of country cooking. The menu was full of gravy's, potato's, read meat, fired okra and sweet tea. The waitress, named Margie, brought us my first taste of sweet tea. Although it was tasty I must admit it was wayyyyy too sweet for me. But you never know until you try. I squeezed some lemons in it and it was perfect. We asked what Margie recommended and she gave us all kinds of ideas. I ended up having beef stew, potato casserole and fried apples. Nate had pot roast, green beans and mashed potato's and corn bread. It was all fantastic!!!! The food was incredible and very savory. When we were getting ready to go we asked Margie about what to do in the City and she sat there and drew us a whole map and lists of places to go! She was so kind and got such a kick out of us the way we got a kick out of her. It was a great experience! I have never felt such hospitality.

My first Sweet Tea

Beef Stew, Potato Casserole, Fried Okra and Corn Bread

First thing we saw in Oklahoma City was the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. It was incredibly touching! The memorial is of two main walls one with the time 9:01 and one with the time 9:03 and the space in between is supposed to represent 9:02 the time that the bomb went off. There are chairs that represent the 169 people that died; the small chairs representing the children that died and the bigger ones for the adults. There is also "The Tree of Hope" which is the only tree that lasted through the bombing and all the after affects. We went into the museum and spent about 2 hours walking though hearing stories, reading news paper clippings and looking at the architecture. It was a great museum. People went to great lengths to put it together and they did an amazing job. I hope to be half the person some of those people are.

Oklahoma Bomb Memorial - the space that represents 9:02

Oklahoma Bombing Memorial

Chairs that represent the 169 people that died

After we finished at the Memorial we walked around a bit before heading to "Bricktown". Bricktown is a great little neighborhood and the place to be. Its where the ball park is and a little river walk and great restaurants and bars. The parking attendant recommended a Cajun Restaurant by the name of Bourbon Street Cafe. Our waiter Travis was great! We tried some local alcohol beverages that were good and sweet. Then we tried fried Alligator!! YUMMY!! It tasted just like chicken.... seriously I don't think I would have noticed a difference. I ate some Salmon and Nate had some seafood pasta and it was great!! Travis recommended we get a beer from a pub called Taps Werks. They had well over a 100 beers on tap!! I didn't like the beers they recommended, but the atmosphere was worth going to again!

Bricktown Baseball Stadium

There were all kinds of Buffalo in Bricktown

Fried Alligator

On the road hope all we could talk about was how wonderful Oklahoma City and people were. We were both greatly impressed and it was a wonderful day I will never forget.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Across Country Trip: Day 3

Day 3

I woke up a little later today and took my time getting ready and packing up the car. I had my first chance to get online and I did my blog posting and checked email before heading out for the day.

After talking to the front desk receptionist and her telling me that not much was open that was worth seeing in Albuquerque, I decided to head out for Texas. I had a long 8 hour drive ahead of me.

The road to Texas was dull. There wasn't much to see and lots of desert like areas. Texas was very country. It was exactly the way I imagined Texas to look like. Farms, cows, windmills...... green, trucks..... I just stopped for gas, not much else.

Road leaving New Mexico going into Texas

Gift Atsuko got me from China is my lucky charm in the car

Windmill in Texas on the side of the road

I made record time and arrived and checked into a hotel (with Nate's help) before 8pm. I then picked up Nate and we went and saw Eagle Eye. It was good movie, I think my hopes were too high. I didn't like the concept of the movie, but enjoyed the action and Shya Leabouf. The movie here was only $8.00 (a lot cheaper than $10 in Cali and 17yen in Japan). Then it was off to Sonic for a quick bite and some catching up. We ate and talked while the loud noised cars raced by full of punks trying to be bad asses. That always seems to happen in military towns.

Days Inn is a nice hotel. I highly reccomend it. The quality is very nice and it came with fridge, microwave, big screen, two queens.... all for $72 per night!

Now its currently 2am Texas time, but I'm on California time so I will be heading to bed shortly and tired in the morning. The plan is to check out Oklahoma City with Nate.

Across Country Trip: Day 2

Day 2

I woke up a little before my alarm and took a quick bath before heading out at 5:00am to drive back to to the Grand Canyon and catch Sunrise. I was surprisingly refreshed for that early in the morning, but the crisp cool air and excitement made it easy. I drove for an hour. Entered the park for $25 and headed to Mather's Point. There were a group of Japanese tourists there and I enjoyed over hearing their conversations. One was even bad mouthing the "gaijin".

The Grand Canyon was beautiful even before sunrise. The early mornings of dawn made the cliff sides illuminate in shades of blues and greys. Words can not describe the size of the gorges. It truly is a magnificent sight!

When the sun peaked over the horizon the cliffs sung with colors of orange and yellow. One of natures most beautiful sights! Well worth the early morning rise. I sat there for about an hour and walked around taking in the view before I headed back out of the park and to the Hotel to sleep for another 2 hours.

At 11am I checked out and hit the road again. Outside of Flagstaff was Sunset Crater and I decided I had the time to stop and take in the view. It was $5 to enter and then I drove for a while not knowing what to expect when I saw miles of volcanic rocks. It was pretty amazing to see volcanic rocks to close up for miles and miles. I drove up and checked out the volcanoes and then headed to Sunset Crater where it was so quiet I could hear the wind rustle between the trees. The view and experience was breath taking.

On the same grounds was an old city ruins and I decided to go and check it out. It was an old Indian city full of buildings and rooms made of rocks and history. I went to the look out and imagined what it might have felt like hundreds of years ago when they lived there. The walk down into the ruins didn't look as far as the city of Pompei so I decided to take a walk down. I walked for about 45 minutes before heading back up. It made me feel like I was connected to history.

I got back into the car sweating and hot before I started back on my path to Albuquerque, New Mexico. The drive was beautiful and filled with cliffs, mountains and desert. I really enjoyed today's drive.

I spent the night in a La Quinta hotel ($100 for a night) taking a bath, organizing my finances, and watching TV before I went to bed about Midnight.

Across country trip: Day 1

Day 1

The car rental company was supposed to have my car ready at 8:00 am, but of course it wasn't ready; so instead of packing the car up before breakfast I had no choice but to do it after.

I went to breakfast will some incredible friends; Phil, Katya, Jennifer and my mother. I had some yummy french toast and good conversation until it was time to say 'good bye'. Its a routine that we all have grown accustomed to. It was very nice.

Then I picked up the rental car and started to load it up. I was nervous that it wasn't all going to fit, but as piled things into the trunk the odds seemed in my favor. The trunk held most of the stuff that wont be touched until I reach my final destination of DC. Then in the back seat I piled my travel things and standing jewelry case (I have a LOT of jewelry). In the front seat my cooler for drinks, snacks, maps, emergency kits, GPS until and cell phone charger.

At 11:30am it was time to start my journey.

I drove through the California desert for what seemed to be hours on end. I have never really respected the California speed limit until that time. The roads in the desert are hilly. Lots and lots of little hills. When you are going the speed limit it doesn't seem so bad, but when you are going 80/90mph you realize why the speed limit is set at 65..... I lost my stomach going up and down to the point I was feeling sick and decided it was worth while to lower back down to 65.

I started seeing signs for the Grand Canyon in Arizona around 5:30pm and got my hopes up that maybe I could see sunset from the Cliffs. I sped on to rout64 thinking that it was only a short ways away but realized at 6:20 that:

1) the sun sets earlier because I'm further east and the sun sets in the west.
2) that the sun was setting right now
3) that I still had 40 miles to go

So I headed up there anyways to check it out and see what was in the town before it. There were signs to an Imax theater so I followed it and decided to stop and check it out. It was a great Imax movie about the Grand Canyon. Well worth the $12 to see it. There was also a gift shop and I grilled the staff about sunrise time and the best places to catch sun rise.

The hotels in the Grand Canyon town were $200. The hotels about 30 miles away were $120. The hotel I stayed at about 60 miles away was $61.15.

I went to sleep around 10pm after setting my alarm for 4am.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Pre-departure: September 23, 2008

I think I'm finally almost ready to leave. I have one last load of laundry to do.

I don't think I realized until today how much stuff I have. Buried in my moms garage are so many boxes I could fill an entire room with them! AHHHHHH!! Well I cut it down to a car full of stuff and two boxes to send (with winter clothes and kitchen things). Eventually I'm going to have to go through the garage and sort my stuff ... one day.

I have a GPS unit, maps galore, print outs of things to do in each city, car chargers for cell phone and ear piece, first aid kit, drinks and food, tissues... you name it I'm planned for it!

Tomorrow morning I will pick up the rental car at 8am. Load the car up. Go to breakfast with Jennifer, Phil, Katya and my mom and then hit the road around 10am. Hopefully I will be at the Grand Canyon by dinner time where I plan on getting a hotel room and going to bed early in hopes of waking up early enough to watch the sun rise over the grand canyon the next day.

I will try to keep a journal or blog every night of my trip and let you know whats going on or post them all when I get the chance. If you know my cell phone number call and keep me company!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Month Trip

For those who follow my blogs and are interested in what I am up to.

I will be leaving for a one month long vacation across the US and the Bahamas on Wednesday. I'm not really sure about specific details such as hotels or what exactly I will be doing every day, but I have a game plan of where I will be each day. Here is my itinerary. Please feel free to call me or email me while I am on the road. I will try my best to answer and get back to you; but if some reason I do not- I will be in DC on Oct 24th where I will be starting my new life.

Wednesday Sept 24 leave Cali for the Grand Canyon
Thursday Sept 25 leave Grand Canyon for New Mexico
Friday Sept 26 leave New Mexico for Wichital Falls Texas
**Spend next few days with Nate in Oklahoma City**
Monday September 29 leave Wichita Falls for Dallas
Wednesday October 1 leave Dallas for Corpus Christi
**Have dinner with Joshua**
Thursday October 2 leave Corpus Christi for San Antonio
**Spend the whole weekend with the wonderful Jackie Jackson**

This next part depends on Hurricanes and floods.

Monday October 6 leave San Antonio for New Orleans
Tuesday October 7 leave New Orleans for Pensacola
Wednesday October 8 leave Pensacola for Orlando

October 9-19 family events for sisters wedding as well as a 4 day cruise to the Bahamas with my family.

October 19 leave Orlando for Atlanta
**Spend night with Step-sister and meet up with Hannah**
October 20 or 21 leave Atlanta for Washington DC

Look for job and then apartment hopefully all before Christmas and the New Year!

The stories Oceans could tell

Waves crash against the rocks and sands of time.

Oh the stories the oceans could tell.

They would tell of the worlds begin or the dinosaurs that roamed and the explorers that sailed. It would weep while it explained how it has been polluted, mistreated and abused. It would beam while it remembered the children's laughter, romantic lovers and families it brought together.

Oh the stories the oceans and sands of time could tell.

Camp observations

I believe that camping brings out the true identity of a person.

The team workers work together to cook, clean, make camp, etc.... The loners try to do it all themselves.

The inexperienced people take 15 tries just to get their trailers into place while the experts do it in one shot.

The prissy girls shower multiples times a day and freak out at the tiniest amount of dirt while the tom boys fish with their dads and get down and dirty.

Families come together or tear apart.

Neighbors chat and smile or ignore and scowl.

Its interesting to observe.

Listening to children's laughter, couples fighting, friends drinking with the waves crash against the shore while a breeze brushes across your cheek.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Caught between worlds

Its so strange being back home. Its like I'm caught between two world's, between two Me's.

I will try to explain without sounding too sporadic.

When you are growing up you go through many stages of life, in my case, my great friends saw me through most of them. When I left home for Hawaii I split from friends and family, but as much as you call and stay in touch with them, they don't really know how you are changing and growing on a daily basis. Between the time I left home and now I have grown and changed in more ways than words can explain. Essentially I am still me, but a grown wiser me (or at least I hope so).

My homesickness's, my illnesses, my friends and foes, my roommate, my jobs, my education, my travels, my rowdiness, my solitude, my soul searching, my dreams and hopes.... they have all changed me and touched my life in some way.

I have a saying: Each person we come into contact with in our lives (weather we know them or not, weather its in a good or bad way, weather we want them to or not) impacts who we are. In other words, each person we meet changes who we are. In this same theory, I believe every choice we make and everything we do - directly relates to who and why we are the way we are.

This being said- I am not the same person I once was. None of us are.

So going back home is more difficult that just moving to a new place. When you move to a new place you get to start fresh and show people the person you are now. When you move back home people remember you as you were, instead of allowing you to show them who you are now.

I'm having a difficult time shedding my past and allowing the present me to show. I feel like I have to play a part, the old part of me. I cant be the carefree, fun loving, yet controlled and organized me I know I have become over the past 8 years. And I cant explain to each individual I once knew why I don't drive like a speed demon any more, why I get irritated at impatient people, why holding the door for another makes a difference. I cant explain the little things I do that they find odd. Its who I have become and I'm proud of who Ive become; but its hard to get them to see who it is Ive become because I'm constantly being compared to who I once was.

I look forward to heading to hitting the open road. Stopping where my heart and gut tell me to. Seeing sights that I have never seen and being free to be me. It will be a soul searching journey for me. I cant wait to leave this old me far behind.

And when I get to my new "home" and find my own place in the new city, I will show them who I really am and I will start my life again. Taking all my travels, education, experiences with me. And I will no longer be trapped between worlds, for I will be in a whole new one.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

49ers vs Cardnials

Last Sunday I saw the first game of the football season for the San Francisco 49ers!!


They played the Cardinals and it was insane. The Niners fans know how to tailgate. When you pull up to the stadium the roads were blocked off and parking was crazy. When you entered the gates there was a sea of red, white, black and gold. People with their colors worn proud, music bumping from the back of their cars and BBQs full of American foods such as hot dogs, hamburgers and steak! Men with beers in their hands and grill tongs in the other. It was a classic American moment!

When I think back to teaching about American culture in Japan; I think about how this would be the most American moment and something that I could never explain... its a must see!!

Waiting in line to get inside the stadium, fans screamed "NINERS NINERS!!", "Lets go NINERS!!"the anticipation and sportsman ships was amazing and exhilarating!!

But the moment that always takes my breath away is when you walk into the stadium. You walk up this dark corridor and all of a sudden the sunlight hits your face blinding you for a second and when your eyes finally focus the field is spread hundreds of feet down and you can see the side yard marks and the yellow goal fields surrounded by thousands of screaming fans!! Its the most amazing thing to see! Words cant even describe that moment.

The game was great and exciting, however, we left in the 4 quarter to beat the traffic and because the 49ers were loosing. The did lost, but it was an amazing day!!
Sashi, Delip, My dad and I

A night in San Francisco

My sister Jessica's friend, Andrea, turned 26 this month (happy birthday to her) and so they decided to go to "The City" (AKA San Francisco) for a night. Everyone wanted to get in on the party action and drink, therefore, no one wanted to drive. Since I'm the outsider I volunteered to be the DD. The only problem was that there were 6 people, but only 5 spaces in the car. So I called up our cousin June and asked if we could take her Suburban that seats 7. She said it was ok. So we all got dolled up and headed to mexcian food before heading to the city. When we got there we were in for a surprise.....

On the street that the bar was on there was half of the San Francisco police department and three blocks worth of street blocked off with yellow police tape. The police officers and investigators were swarming every where as if we were watch CSI in the flesh. The bar sat in the middle of the taped off area and we wondered and questioned what happened. As soon as we heard about shooting and people dieing we got out of that neighborhood as soon as we could.

The rest of the night we went and partied it up. Andrea drank her fair share of liquor and we all laughed and took a lot of picture. Besides my sister, but I wont get into that.

The next day I watched the news for a glimpse of what had happened. Apparently about 1 hour before we arrived 2 people were shot and killed. For 2 weeks there had been motor cycle wars going on and a total of 6 people had died.

Why must people kill each other?? What is so important that the only way to solve the problem is to kill another human being?? What is this world coming to?? We must watch our backs. We live in fear to help others in case they are rapists or murderers. Life has become about fear instead of about life. Its sad and a pity.

The birthday girl, Andrea, and I

Me, Andrea, Sarah and My sister, Jessica.

Monday, September 1, 2008

A's vs Twins

On Saturday my dad treated us all to an A's baseball game. We went and watched the Oakland Athletics play the Minnesota Twins.

Its always exciting to see sports games live. There is something about seeing the field and the players in the flesh, or maybe is the fans decked out in colors cheering their teams on, or maybe its the smell of hot dogs and the stadiums giant enclosure; whatever it is... its an amazing feeling!?

We decked out in A's green and yellow and headed out with my father, step-mother, sister, grandma and grandpa. We had good seats behind first plate! I had a hot dog and beer just to make sure I wasn't dreaming and was still American deep down somewhere! hehe!!

The game was pretty boring. The twins ended up ahead by one run .. UNTIL the bottom of the 9th. We are talking runners on 1st and 2nd with 2 strikes and 2 balls. The game was almost over!! When one of the A's took the plate and bunted while the runner on 2nd ran and smacked into the 3rd baseman who missed the ball so the runner ran home and so did the one that was on 1st!! YEP WE WON THE GAME IN THE BOTTOM OF THE 9th!!! It was so exciting and rarity to see in the flesh! I'm so glad we went!

After the game was a fireworks show. They opened the Field up for the fans to go sit and lay on while they watched the fireworks and it was crazy!! We sat in our seats watching the fans crowd the field like herded cattle!! There wasn't a spot open when the show started!! It was a great show that was matched to great music from different eras. My sister and I sang along while we sat in amazement watching the fireworks burst into the most amazing colors!!

(pictures to come)

Sunday in Fremont

Today my sister and I woke up to get ready and make sandwiches for a picnic with our cousins. I always try to find cheap, inventive ways to hang out with those I care about. Now a days too many people go to the movies or do things that don't allow them to actually talk or bond and I find that to be sad. So when I called my cousins I suggested going to the park for a picnic. This is the perfect time to be outside with the warm sun and cool shade with light breezes. My cousins just had a little boy named Mason about a year ago and he is the cutest thing ever!! He is a handsome boy. I ran out of battery so couldn't take pictures but here are a few I stole from his parents myspace.

We all had a good time at the park eating sandwiches, talking about everything from jobs to politics and laughing at Mason trying to run away from his mom. It couldn't have been a more perfect outing.

After we got back from the park Jessica went to work and I helped my step-mother Jeanne in the yard. They have a beautiful back yard that Jeanne works hard on maintaining. I have to give her credit, I cant even keep herbs alive!!

Then we went to dinner with Grams, Gramps, Matt and Becky and had a good time chit chatting about all kinds of things from jobs to cultural difference. I always love to see family that I haven't seen in a while and its easier when its a few at a time instead of them all at once!

All in all it was a really great Sunday! I'm very blessed. I hope you all had a great weekend too!

Road Trip

My sister and drove from my mothers house in Redlands, California to Coarsegold, California last Wednesday. We left around 7:30am and arrived around 12:30pm.

My mothers long time friend whom we call Auntie K lives in Coarsegold. Coarsegold is about 1/2 way between where our mother and father left and when I was younger in high school my best friend and I used to stop at her house for a day or two during our trip up north to visit my dad and his family. We always loved going to her house because she is so liberal and non-judgemental and just a fun individual. She is the Aunt everyone wishes for. They live in the middle of no where and have a pool and many animals that we all love playing with. Speaking of playing, my favorite memories with Auntie K and Rod are playing games. Its traditional to play cards, dice, dominoes... etc in the after noons or after dinner. Its always just a relaxing good time filled with great conversation and people.

We stayed at Auntie K and Rods house for a day and a half before deciding that we would leave at night to head back to Dads house. We left after having a great steak dinner, with fresh corn on the cob and salad, at 9pm. We dove the whole way going about 75 and arrived in Fremont, California around mid night.

I have always loved car rides. My parents say that when they couldn't get me to sleep when I was a baby all they needed to do was drive around in the car and I would pass out. I have always had a good vibe with cars and road trips. It was nice to drive on the high way going fast enough to pass slow cars, but not too fast where we could get pulled over. Cruising on the high way with the windows down and the radio blasting as my sister and I sing to the radio at the top of our lungs is the best feeling in the world. It feels adventurous and comfortable. I real bonding moment between sisters.