Sunday, May 11, 2008

Gers Visit to Japan

What a week!!

My friend who lives in DC, Ger, visited this past week. We met in France when we were 22 and ended up great friends and have traveled all over together. It took me almost 3 years to finally get her to Japan and it was great!! Golden Week is usually a week long, but this year it was a 4 day weekend for those of us in Japan. Ger got in on Saturday and we met up with Nathaniel in Shinjuku for Dinner and a drink. She was pretty exhausted from the time change, but we insisted she stay up at least until after 10pm. Sunday morning JD arrived and the four of us started our day in Asakasa by taking the Sumida River Boat Cruise to Odiba Island. We at lots of food, including Kua Aina (a Hawaiian Hamburger Place) and Cinnabun. Then we were off to Tokyo Tower before checking JD into the hotel and going for a multi-ethnic dinner. We all sat around telling stories and jokes. Im sure JD learned a lot about my past from listening to Nathaniel, Ger and I reminice about France 4 years ago. Monday we went back to Asakasa for Dennys breakfast (which those of us in Japan were so happy to eat) and to go shopping and show get the Temple and Pagoda. Then we went to Akihabra so the tech geeks could look around and Ger could find something for her brothers. We headed back to Shinjuku and ran into my friend Kat who lives in Yamagata-City (small world!). Nathaniel then took us to an incredible (and expensive) Italian restraunt before he left to catch the bus back home. JD decided to stay one more night and him, Ger and I went for drinks in an English Pub and chatted some more. The next morning JD insisted that we go to Shibuya crossing for breakfast at Starbucks and it was well worth while!! We were so shocked by all the people who cross the street at the same time.

Then it was back on the Shinkansen to show Ger where I call home. She was very shocked to realize that I really do live in a small town and it was hard for her to believe high strung me was happy here. I had to work, so she just relaxed and hung out. We played many card games and scrabble between my classes. She even came to kindergarten with me and the kids LOVED her and she loved them, even though she kept tell them she had no idea what they were saying. I think she learned why I love teaching kindergarten so much. We tried to go out in my town, but because it was the middle of the week and golden week many places were closed and not many people were out and about.

Friday it was back to Tokyo for Gers last night in Japan. I ALWAYS go to TGIFridays for dinner when I go to Tokyo so we went, ate lots of food, drank a lot and watched the hot bartended spin bottles. It was still too early and we were feeling pretty good after drinking quite a bit so we started asking people on the stree where they reccomended and we ended up at a Hooka Bar where the hot man sitting next to us at TGIF had gone, ironically enough. Ger found out he was brazilian before the belly dancer started dancing. Next we headed to another bar where we met some cool workers. One of which was a hot guy named Rob from Poland and the other a beautiful young girl who is half Purivian and half Japanese. Then two Canadians came in the door and we started drinking with them! Last part of the night I fell in the street and busted my knee (nothing new, but it hurt) and we went dancing before heading back to our hotel at 4am. We woke up around 7am and Ger missed her train to Narita, but still got there in time to fly right though the airport and jump on the plane. I came back right after she left and did everything in my power not to puke on the train from all the drinking we had done the night before.

A total Monica and Ger vacation! I miss her already!!

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