Sunday, May 11, 2008

Attack of the Ramen

So I did the funniest thing today and it scared me and pissed me off.

I made Ramen for lunch. I usually don't eat much Ramen unless I cook it because I like it a certain way and today Ramen just sounded good to me. I decided that I wanted to eat a tortilla with it (don't ask, I'm strange). The Ramen bowl was so hot I couldn't carry it so I tucked my hands into my sweatshirt sleeve and proceeded to carry my tortilla in one hand and the other my huge bowl. I usually have my computer out and today I was watching Lost via Internet, so of course I wanted to eat and watch Lost. As I got to the table I tripped over my large pants and the entire Ramen Bowl went flying! It was like one of those slow motion scenes where it gets quiet and its in mid air when you say "****!!!". So most of my Ramen landed on top of my computer, juices and all. And on my TV remotes, cell phone and mic for my computer. Not to mention splashed all over my couch, floor and wall. ATTACK OF THE RAMEN!!!

I jumped up and ran for paper towels in order to clean my computer first, when it was decent I moved to my cell phone, mic and remotes before getting to the wall, couch and floor. I was freaking out over my computer and called JD who told me to let it dry and take the battery out and I did. I then deep cleaned it taking off all of the keys and cleaning every place I could. 2 hours later I turned it on, defraged, and now its working just fine. THANK GOODNESS!!!!

Just another Monica moment in life that I thought Id share.

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