Monday, March 2, 2009

So much for branching out

My co-worker Andrea and I always go to the same pub. We are comfortable there. The price isn't bad. The crowed is very diverse. The music is good. The bartenders are friendly... we are comfortable there.

So last night we decided that we need to branch out. Go new places. Meet new people.

We got all dressed up. Her in a cute dress and knee high boots. Me in my tight skinny jeans and pink low cut top. We were in good spirits and feeling pretty hot!

We headed to a new Dive and right off the bat Andrea was hit on, unfortunately not by a man she found even remotely attractive. We had a few beer there and decided it was time for a change of scenery. Outside sleet was starting to come down and it was freezing and some how we ended up at the metro and no idea where to go next.... so.... of course..... we headed to Cleveland Park. And ended up right back where you can always find us.

Yep we ended up all dressed up at Nanny O'Brians drinking our same drinks, listening to the two older men who sing our classic favorites and drinking the rest of the night away.

So much for branching out.

1 comment:

Bri said...

Aw no pictures of the outfits?