Sunday, March 8, 2009

Work update

I have now been working at Huckleberry Cheesecake for a week and so far so good.

It is very similar work to what I was doing in Japan. Its not extremely challenging, but the kids are too cute. Its a job that has many rewards, but is not something I see myself doing for years down the road.

I was happy to find out that most of the students are potty trained and fairly well behaved. Most of the parents are very in tuned to their kids and take an active role in their education. My co-teachers are each very unique and are from various places. Not really sure what I make of them yet, however, I seem to get along with each of them just fine.

I am still trying to "find my place" and "figure things out". Hopefully things keep progressing in the next week.

Wish me luck.

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